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Can't Hurt Me David Goggins Book Review |

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Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins pdf download 

Details of Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins Book 

  • Book Name: Can't Hurt Me
  • Authors: David Goggins
  • Pages: 400
  • Publish Date: 15 November 2018
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Self-Help Book


Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins. This book is for you if you need a massive dose of inspiration and motivation to push yourself and take control of your life, and stop playing the role of a victim. 

David Goggins is definitely at the top of this ladder. he had the worst childhood you can imagine. his father used to regularly beat up him his brother and his mother with his belt. all three of them had to do hard manual work for their father's business without getting paid. 

Imagine, being a six-year-old going to school and then spending the rest of your day working and living in trauma. 

When David and his mother finally left his father, they faced extreme poverty. he struggled a lot in school. he was bullied. he faced racism. so he had all the reasons and foundations to become a drug addict or a criminal or even to take his own life. 

But he was very high on the accountability ladder. the physical and mental pain that was a constant in his life, made him very strong. he decided to become a u.s navy seal. 

If you think his childhood was hard, the process to become a navy seal was equally hard - physically and mentally. he had to lose more than 100 pounds in three months. 

He had to study hard to clear the exam and the physical tests which lasted over several weeks, one of which was rightly called "hell week", in which he ran with two broken knees by tying tape over them. 

His struggles in his life continued. he went through a divorce, two heart surgeries because he had a hole in his heart, and many more. although i cannot relate to goggins or the hardships he faced, i still gained a lot from this book. 

For example, the 40% rule. Goggins says that when we are doing something hard physically, and we feel that we have reached our limit and we are ready to give up, actually we are just at about 40% of our limit. our mind gives up way before our body is at its limit. 

So when i'm working out and doing a plank for example, i used to hold it for 10 deep breaths and then give up. that was my limit. but now i think of the 40% rule and I push myself to hold it for 20 deep breaths. 

Also, at other times when I feel that I'm going through something hard or find excuses to not do something because I'm not feeling 100%, I think of what would Goggins do, and that helps me to push myself and stop making these excuses. 

One thing that I liked about this book is at the end of every chapter, there is a one-page challenge for you to help you apply the lesson from that chapter to your life. for example, at the end of one of the chapters, one of the early chapters in the book, there's a challenge called accountability mirror. 

So if you feel like you're making excuses in your life or becoming a victim of your circumstances and you need a jolt to awaken and push yourself and take control of your life, this book is for you! 

Also if you're into physical challenges like marathons, ultramarathons, triathlons, there are many stories about those in this book. have you read this book? what was one thing that you will never forget that Goggins said? 

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