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The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber

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The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber pdf download

Details of The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber Book

  • Book Name: The Ballad of Never After 
  • Authors: Stephanie Garber
  • Pages:  469
  • Genre:   Fantasy Fiction, Fairy tale, Romantic Fantasy, Magical Realism
  • Publish Date:  13 September 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review 

The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber this one is the second book in the once upon a broken heart series i think it's supposed to be a trilogy because how this undead needs to be a second book even though

it's only written up two on goodreads but i assume it's gonna be a second book i mean a third book sorry and i will try to review it here it won't be spoilery because i never do release body reviews unless 

i say so which is you know fine but obviously if you haven't read this first book and you don't want to know anything about the second book i don't recommend you checking out this video just because 

i will need to talk about slightly what this is about not to would spoil you for this book but you know if you haven't read the first one i don't want to know anything i won't spoil the first one so basically the first book in this series follows evangeline i'm not sure how to say her name 

she was in love and then her sister suddenly was marrying the lord for life so she believed he was cursed and goes to this fate to ask for help to stop their wedding and then he does by turning him into stone 

then she's just like this is not what i wanted and saves them and turns into a soul herself she's lately then saved and then realizes that her chance of love is gone and it's gonna go out for like a new chance for love etc 

my parents are walking a lot upstairs she then needs to work closely together with the faith that she asks firstly for help for which his name is jax there's a lot of tension between them abandoned fort because he is not to be trusted he's one of faith he does things for his own gain etc 

The first book kind of feels a bit like a fairy tale you know it's like faded love and curses because she also owns him three cases in the first book after he helped her and it's a bit like you know tree is a number repeated in fairy tales but it's definitely a fairy tale with twists on it like there's curses there's more 

tension i think in a normal fairy tale and i think the author did a good job of like taking fairytale tropes and turning them around but it's definitely a book that knows what kind of genre it is put in it is not the most serious book 

in the world it is not the most like complex oh my god mind-blowing thing ever it definitely knows kind of which audience it is going to i think at least and knows what it is doing so i wouldn't say the book is like 

the most perfect thing ever but it's definitely entertaining and i know a lot of people will enjoy it so in this book we follow on the events of the first book where our main character has realized some stuff in the like again 

i won't spoil what exactly she realized but she really does a lot of stuff in the end of the first one and she is now like not gonna repeat her mistakes and then she goes exactly and does that instantly and i was just like what was the point of the ending of the last book if this is what we're gonna do 

like what was the point it was only to keep you know the audience going to the second one kinda ending on a cliffhanger in the first one but the cliffhanger is literally just like meaningful for and then i mean literally two pages two pages does not have any meaning whatsoever for the story 

other than that this like has never happened even if our main character evangeline reminds herself of what happened in the first book she does not care she like hairs for like zero percent i mean 1.1 

she's gonna get that and i'm just like what was the point of the ending remind me remind me of that it is the kind of book for me if you use a bit more brain style to think about it if you consider some stuff again it just doesn't make any sense because this is just like why are you so stupid 

why are you doing this etc etc and it's kind of just like a book with not all that logic that's why i thinking you cannot think too deeply about it and too thorough about it is that it knows which audience is going to i'm not saying people are stupid i'm just saying it's going to the audience that like wanted easy and fun be that just wants to have these two people wanting to have 

with each other and just for stupid reason cannot just because literally they are stubborn and that's the kind of artist that is going for and if you're not the kind of person who likes that book i wouldn't recommend this to you but if you want more substance i wouldn't say this is with you 

it is fun because it's turning those fairy tale things around and it is a very easy read and it's fun to like see these people some of the stuff happening it's just it's just a kind of stupid i could give an example because

it's not really on spoiler but like in i would say one of the books of the two we have like a scene where one of them is kind of cursed for the night and wants to harm the other but not like not like hard like punch them but like doing something i don't want to say what and it's just like they're locked in together the whole night waiting for this to go over and i can tell you their 

in that scene i was feeling it too so that is fun kind of like that and i definitely see what others doing it's just some stuff it just doesn't make sense our main character keeps saying over and over and over again that this person cannot be trusted she should not be doing this why is she doing things like on her own 

she's getting into danger she's doing exactly what she's not supposed to be doing constantly and she doesn't care and it's just like no proper consequences like the whole time sometimes this is why like if you think about it too hard it's gonna annoy you and it's like it annoyed me some points but then 

i just i stopped thinking i turned off my brain and i just enjoyed the sort of what it was which is like a fun fairy tale feel really just a romance though between these two characters and it's just trying to do some stuff with like the past of the dew jacks and by the way i hate the name jax it's like you have 

a jack but it's several jacks because you have an ass in the end i hate it that's the point and he's just like piney piney past blah blah blah blah he's the bad boy but he's not really a bad boy and i'm just like at least try try a bit better because 

he's a awful bad boy it's just kind of ridiculous but it's kind of funny anyways to talk more a bit specific about this book i don't really know what to say i like about the plot it left off exactly where the first book ended the thing that happened at the end of the first book doesn't have anything to say.
