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Twisted Lies by Ana Huang Pdf Download


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Twisted Lies by Ana Huang Pdf Download 

Details of Twisted Lies by Ana Huang  Book

  • Book Name: Twisted Lies 
  • Authors: Ana Huang
  • Pages: 334
  • Genre: Romance novel, Contemporary romance
  • Publish Date: 24 June 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review: 

Twisted Lies by Ana Huang this book that jules no longer lives at that apartment so stella is there on her own and the whole kicker of this apartment is that stella should not be able to afford it but they do have connections with the man that owns the place who just happens to be christian harper he is a very dangerous man a very much toucher and you die kind of person 

he is the head of this massive security company called harper security he does security detail for like the biggest most famous people in the country um we see the connection with bridget in the second book 

she is a princess and his company is actually the company that like does her security so he's a big deal in this story um a very dangerous well-known man and he owns this apartment complex and for whatever reason he feels protective over miss stella he has given her a lower rent than is needed to be 

in this apartment she's never quite figured out why because he's not very nice to her generally he's a very cold hard man they've never really had many interactions with each other but that all sort of comes to a head in this story because stella finds herself in a predicament as does christian uh stella is trying to grow her following it's really always been her passion 

she's never been able to pass that million follower mark and she gets the opportunity with this brand to basically be their ambassador but there's a bunch of people in the running and stella is really stressed about it she wants to get it and after talking with her sort of brand manager 

he's like you know what you got to do you know what will push you over the edge you know it'll get you to a million you need to be in a relationship you need to cause a little drama like you need to find a boyfriend start dating someone post them on your instagram like that's what needs to happen 

stella's like i have no interest in that stella's never really had interest in dating like she's just very much an independent person and it's like if the right person comes along fine but she's not into like casual dating 

especially not into casual dating on social media in front of hundreds of thousands of people and it just so happens that she's going through this predicament uh she kind of encounters christian and christian is also in need of something he again is like this very big businessman he is like very connected 

he's constantly attending gatherings and social events and he really needs a buffer he really needs arm candy he needs someone that can go to all these things with him socialize with him you know make him look a little more approachable and stella would be the perfect person to do

 that so pretty much they end up making a deal that they're gonna fake date much internal screaming not even internal screaming screaming out loud you guys know fake dating it's one of the greatest tropes to ever exist and i didn't know going into this book initially that that's what 

this was going to be about it's really not a spoiler it's pretty obvious like everyone's talking about it so sorry that's spoiler i don't think so but um they agreed a fake date essentially at the beginning of this book so that stella can get her following up and christian can have his arm 

candy like i said but the deal is that christian is a very private man even though he is what very well known like you know he's into security so he's like not about putting his face all over the internet like on purpose you know for many people to see so he's like i'll be all over your instagram but you can't show my face which you know if you're on social media we are nosy

people we want to see what's happening we want to know things and so the allure of like having christian on her profile just makes it like all the more intense and just puts people into a frenzy because they want to know like who this man is that she's with because she's never showing his face 

she's just showing like his hand on her thigh or like the back of his head and it's very scandalous and of course as always happens with a fake dating story you get to that moment of like is this fake is this real is it something more and you know it would be good enough if it was just a fake dating story and that's all we were getting but there is a whole other element to this story 

i feel like the entire twisted series has done a really good job of doing this like we get a spicy story we get a good little romance but there's also like a little bit of a thriller action in there a little bit of a mystery action stella has a dark thing from her past reappear that she thought she had gotten rid of 

you know being on instagram she she attracts some crazy people as all i will say and she thought that she was rid of that in her life but it it turns out she's not quite rid of it so um yeah now in the middle of this with christian and this going on stella's world is about to turn upside down and 

we're all here for the ride guys i can't even explain how obsessed i was with this book it was the ultimate slow burn i love a spicy book but literally the slow burn is everything to me and anna long is so good at doing that i think this book she did the best of it out of any of her books like she really made you wait she gave you crumbs crumbs so that you're like dangling on the edge of your freaking seat and you're like please and then nope never you gotta wait 

you gotta hold off and it just made it so much better because by the time the like tension exploded you were just like christian i just love the bad boy that has a soft spot for one girl sort of thing like and then just the badass billionaire that's got a bunch of power and a bunch of resources and will freaking tear the world down to save you like if you're into that sort of vibe 

read this book i'm telling you because twisted games like i said twisted games was incredible like i did not think anything was going to top it and i think a lot of what i loved in twisted games was like also present in this because again it was that whole like protection aspect and like having you know stella under his wing and under his watch like you get a lot of what 

you got from twisted games with just the extra like billionaire mogul moment added in and the fake dating the fake dating it's all i could ask for um yeah this was my favorite book in the series i think bridget is still my favorite girl i just love bridget i thought she was incredible stella though i also loved her thought she was great literally zero complaints no complaints about

this book i literally can't think of one and i love the vibes of it green is my favorite color as you might be able to tell and the green and the butterflies like i just felt like it was so me i felt it in my soul and i loved it so much um i'm devastated the series is over but i do know that we're getting another sort of spin-off series of this series i don't think it's quite a spin-off but 

it like connects vaguely can't remember what it's called right now but i know there's seven books in the series because like each one focuses on like each of the seven deadly sins so that could be interesting i don't know i just know i'm going to read whatever anna wong writes because um she knows how to freaking do it if you guys have read twisted lies 

if you've read the entire twisted series please tell me your thoughts tell me which one is your favorite i feel like people are really all over the board on this series like people absolutely go die hard for their favorite book in this series and i don't feel like there's a certain one that is most liked

i mean twisted games was big but so many people love twisted hate so many people have slid into my dms i've been like i love every book in this series but the first one is still my favorite alex is still everything to me so i'm like i love to hear it i love to hear everyone's differing opinions it's a great time 

Also read: Twisted Love by Ana Huang

Also read: Twisted Games by Ana Huang  

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