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Icebreaker By Hannah Grace pdf download

Details of Icebreaker By Hannah Grace Book

  • Book Name: Icebreaker
  • Authors: Hannah Grace
  • Pages: 336
  • Genre: Romance Fiction, Suspense 
  • Publish Date: 23-Aug-2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Icebreaker By Hannah Grace is a book so to start us off I'm going to read the summary because I don't want to get it wrong so let's do it 17-year-old Mikey James III is a college freshman a brother to five sisters and a hockey legacy 

a father and a grandfather who have gone down in NHL history Mikey is almost guaranteed the league's top draft spot the only person standing in his way is Jason Caufield a contender for the number one spot and Mikey's infuriating and infuriatingly attractive teammate when the rivalry turns to something more mikey will have to decide what he really wants and what he's willing to risk for it okay y'all so i have a lot of mixed feelings about 

this book so as a more objective reader I gave this three stars I think that overall it's pretty solid it's pretty good for a debut it's you know it's showing the signs of the debut but it's also showing potential but for my own personal taste I would give this two stars I just did not vibe with it the way I wanted to vibe with it the main reason I'm publicly rating it three stars on story graph and Goodreads is because I think a lot of the problems I have with 

this book is more subjective because of my own reading preference than anything else for example when I first started this book I was really annoyed by the so-called rivalry in the book now I still think that element was relatively weak in the story but I also think that I have a skewed perspective and that is because I am a huge fan of the foxhole court but 

the foxhole court is a mess it is not a good sportsbook like it's not an accurate portrayal of what an actual team would be like but because there was so much toxicity in those interactions I already have a threshold of what an actual rivalry is to me that 

this book did not match at all did it make sense that it was not as extreme as the foxhole court of course naturally that made sense but at the same time I was just unsatisfied I felt like Jason was being really hostile for no reason at the beginning of the book I felt as well like there was a lot of hot and cold stuff going on that

I didn't feel like it was paced well for me to personally enjoy it and so overall I just find the rivalry thing here the rivals-to-lovers romance very lacklustre in general I found the romance to be unsatisfying although I did enjoy some of the interactions between Jason and Mikey I overall was not invested 

in their relationship if anything I thought that there was some humour and nice banter going on but it didn't feel enough to get me swooning over the romance or anything like that in addition I just found it irritating that Mikey was I felt like this is like a spoiler so okay I'll do a spoiler warning and then when 

you don't see the word spoiler up above you can return so one of the things that I found annoying about the romance is that Mikey uses their quote-unquote rivalry as an excuse to avoid making their relationship more serious because eventually Mikey and Jason like each other enough that 

they start a whole like friends with benefits situation and each time Mikey feels like he's getting too emotionally attached he starts saying like oh well Jason doesn't really like me he doesn't like me this is just something we do and even though that was realistic it was super annoying it got on my nerves it just no apart from the romance I just feel like

this book was lying to me about the depth of the relationships that Mikey had with other characters for example one of the things that starts being said a lot is that Mikey and his teammates are really close and they're closer than he has been with other team members he's been with before like 

when he's been on other teams he wasn't as close to his team members as he is now but I didn't buy that because genuinely Mikey seriously engaged with two of his team members three if we include Jason as one of those team members and I'm like we have a bunch of other boys on this team 

that Mikey either rarely interacts with or interacts in such passing that to pretend to tell me that he is like so meaningfully engaged with his teammates is absurd it was just not believable I was not buying it I was not into it however I will mention that those two teammates that he was closer 

to which were barbie and Dorian were precious like I genuinely could have read a whole book about them the two of them are besties and they are iconic and they support each other so much and they're very comfortable in their masculinity and show displays of affection while being sure that 

that doesn't threaten their masculinity they were icons okay in short Dorian and Barbie were icons and I would have loved to have followed the two of them because amazing and then the other major relationships here that I was hot and cold about were Mikey and his sisters in some instances 

I did find their relationships believable the dynamics between them believable and at other times I felt like I was being told that they were close to one another and that they loved each other 

a lot but I didn't feel like I saw that not really so it was just frustrating I think the main relationship that I found the most believable was Mikey and his father I did find the tension between them realistic and believable and like it was more thoroughly developed in the story the other thing I did not enjoy about this book was the ending it was completely and utterly a cop-out it just it was so unsatisfying and among all the other unsatisfying things going on in 

this book was just kind of the last straw for me I'm like you're gonna put me through all of this and at the end of the day you're not even gonna actually do a satisfying conclusion like like I just need to understand why like okay I understand why the choice was made 

but I did not feel like it was satisfying in addition at the end of the book Mikey reveals something that just doesn't make sense because what happens is that he makes a decision at one point in the narrative and after he makes that decision we jump to months later where he has presumably 

grown as a person and so he makes an announcement that you're like that's cute that's sweet but when did we get here when did this character development happen why did we block it out entirely from the narrative questions I have now one of the reasons this is a two star instead 

of a one star for me personally is the bisexual anxiety and depression representation now those three things were truly impeccable the way Mikey was characterized in terms of his depression his anxiety and as a closeted bisexual boy was really really really really strong you could see in his behaviour how his anxiety and depression 

affected his actions and you could also see how his depression and anxiety influenced his desire to remain in the closet so honestly if that had been the main focus of this book this would just be like Mikey's own healing journey because he's struggling through the fact that 

he has depression but he doesn't want to admit it if that had been the major focus of this I think I might have enjoyed it more but precisely because we tried to add in a romance with a flaky rivalry and just everything else I felt like it watered down my enjoyment and my ability to connect with the main character because it just straight attention to other things that didn't feel as important as his interior journey so yeah overall I wanted to 

love this but I really didn't I didn't buy the romance I didn't buy that the protagonist had a strong relationship with his teammates I was so so about his relationship with his sisters and his father and ultimately I just wish there hadn't been a rivalry in this book like I think it might have been fine if it had still had the romance element but I would have preferred 

to eliminate the rivalry I don't know maybe the problem is that I am not a hockey fan i don't know much about hockey co i know close to nothing about it so in general the rivalry didn't make any sense to me I thought it was silly and i also thought that it was just inconsistent in the narrative itself so i don't know y'all i i wish i had more positive things to say anyway.

