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Radiant Darkness by Anna Carven pdf download 

Details of Radiant Darkness by Anna Carven Book

  • Book Name: Radiant Darkness 
  • Authors: Anna Carven 
  • Pages: 336
  • Genre: Literature & Fiction
  • Publish Date: October 03, 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Radiant Darkness by Anna Carven this is more inspired by hades and persephone than actually a retelling but i did enjoy it and that is a deal with the elf king by elise kova i'm gonna be completely honest with you guys it has been a minute since i read 

this but i think i remember it pretty well overall so there is luella and she lives in the human world and every hundred years or so a human girl is chosen to become the human queen and marries the elf king and he is kind of this old not old he's 

this like commodity uh angry king that's very mysterious she doesn't know a lot about him and it turns out not surprisingly that she ends up being chosen to be the new human queen and marry the elf king so they pretty much have to deal with each other she really just wants to get back to the human lands and doesn't want anything to do with 

this marriage he is kind of doing it just because he knows like it's his duty he has to marry this human queen and obviously they eventually develop a relationship and they kind of work together and she also has powers i believe that are very um bound to nature like she's able to like make things grow very persephony-esque but overall i did enjoy 

this i do feel like there were some areas of the book that just weren't very fleshed out towards the end we're left with a lot of unanswered questions i didn't really like luella as like a persephone s character she was a little feisty 

i really like my persephone characters to not be like super innocent i like them to have like a little bit of spice so i did like her i think uh the elf king we could have gotten a little bit more from him he is kind of like one dimensional but overall it was a very good story i do believe 

this is going to be a series i think their story is done but they do mention different paranormal creatures in this book like vampires werewolves like merman so i think this series is going to continue with like different paranormal creatures but overall definitely worth checking out and yeah i really did enjoy it all right guys so the next one on 

this list is an actual retelling and that is a touch of darkness by scarlett sinclair this might actually be my favorite uh retelling that's on this list i will say this is a series and i'm basing this only on the first book this is the only one i read in the series but it's really good so 

this follows hades and persephone once again obviously and persephone is a college student so this is an urban fantasy i am not a huge fan of urban fantasies i find them very jarring and just especially for hades and persephone retelling i didn't think i would like that 

i ended up loving it so hades and the gods are known to the humans and they're very powerful but most of them are like businessmen and like business moguls so zeus i think owns like a bunch of retail properties and hades owns clubs and it kind of goes from there

for some reason the writer made the choice to give all of the god's horns i'm not really sure why that choice was made um i guess so humans could like differentiate gods from people or something i don't know but anyway it starts with persephone and she's uh with humans 

no one knows that she is persephone got a spring they just assume she's a normal college girl and her friends and her go out clubbing one night and they end up at hades club and she ends up making a deal with hades and if she doesn't fulfill the uh terms of this deal or this contract she has to live in the underworld and it really progresses 

from there and i loved this book i thought it was so good i loved persephone i thought once again she had enough spunk i really enjoyed her character i liked hades i will say i kind of wish this had a little bit more of a slow burn aspect they kind of write they kind of have like 

an attraction like as soon as they see each other which is very common with hades and persephone retellings because they're like faded lovers however it happened really fast i wish we kind of waited a little bit there is smut in this but i feel like it hit the sweet spot for a spot like there's not too much of it there's like a few scenes and it was just it was good 

i really enjoyed this i like this book a lot so i think if you want a more adult urban hadism persephone's retelling this is it and the next book on this list is actually the book that inspired me to do this video i have never read anything by this author before however moving forward

 i will definitely be picking up more of her works i really enjoyed this book and that was neon gods by katie rogers this is another hades i'm for stephanie retelling kind of set in an urban ish setting the only part of this book that i didn't enjoy was the fact that i really had trouble 

understanding there seems to be an olympus that has like all of the gods and it's very like gossip girl so there's like the upper city that has zeus and he like kind of runs the 13 which is like all of the main gods 

like demeter uh apollo aphrodite all of them and then there's the lower city which is where hades resides and then there seems to be the human world and there's a way to get there but that's not really explained 

very well uh and the river sticks is what divides the upper city in the lower city anyway i digress so i for the most part everything really takes place in the upper and lower cities and persephone is the socialite daughter of demeter demeter i believe and her mother has decided that

she is going to marry zeus and zeus is notorious for killing all his wives i love the fact that zeus is a bad guy in this i just think it's an awesome uh interpretation because normally zeus is like the all-powerful like kind of good guy really enjoyed it anyway so persephone is going to marry 

zeus but she's terrified because zeus is killing all his wives and she just wants to get out of there so she ends up crossing the river sticks and meets hades and she thinks that hades is a myth everyone thinks that the hades line like has died out and he's there and they end up forming 

this relationship and they try to get back at zeus and there's a contract that says that zeus isn't allowed to go into haiti's territory so she's kind of safe and they make this deal that she's gonna stay with zeus or i'm sorry she's gonna stay with hades for three months until the winter is 

over and then she's gonna go to the human world and they develop this relationship and the stakes just get higher and higher there is a ton of smut in this um it kind of felt like hades and persephone meets 50 shades of grey there's a little like bdsm stuff everything is consensual 

so like if you're someone personally i'm this way too i do not like like non-consent freaks me out can't read it in books none of that's in here everything's consensual uh but it was great i really really like this book i will say it was a little bit more smut heavy than i prefer reading but i think if 

you're a fan of romance you'll love this and i really liked the take um i loved all of the characters hermes in this is just so funny who else is in here uh it's the god of wine it's gonna bug me i totally forget the name of but anyway all the characters feel very well-rounded i really loved the story 

i loved the twist and yeah definitely check out if you're new to katie roberts like i was she's an awesome author and i wish i read her sooner so yeah definitely check out neon gods by katie roberts and the last retelling isn't a book however it had to be included in this list just because it is adorable and that is lore olympus i think it's called a webtoon it's like a cartoon 

or like manga that you can read online uh not manga style it has its very own unique art style but it's so cute persephone is just a little cinnamon roll like she's adorable but it's a modern retelling of the hades and persephone relationship so all of it starts out with all of the gods are like at this party and aphrodite gets jealous of persephone ends up having someone 

her and they put her in the back of haiti's car so then hades drives home realizes persephone is in the back seat falls like instantly in love with her and takes care of her and the next morning like brings her back and it's kind of their relationship and their dynamic and it has all the greek gods 

they all have very unique and interesting personalities and it's just cute and it's just a good time i will say unlike a touch of darkness that i felt like was instant chemistry this slow burn has taken a while um i am not finished with this series yet i'm only i think it's broken up into seasons 

i'm only on episode like 26 or 27 and we're not even close to them like having a relationship so it's definitely taking some time to build that but overall very enjoyable and i highly recommend.
