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Fertilizing the Universe Book Review

Fertilizing the Universe by Vir Singh

Fertilizing the Universe Book Review

Details of Fertilizing the Universe

  • Book Name: Fertilizing the Universe
  • Authors: Vir Singh
  • Pages: 287
  • Genre: Novel
  • Publish Date:  2019
  • Language: English

Fertilizing the Universe by Vir Singh is nonfiction and presents a new theory of evolution it took around a decade for professor Vir Singh to develop and synthesize this new theory of evolution and this book also consists of a foreword by Professor Hendricks Kalinowski who was the father of eco-philosophy.

So in the words of the author Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection keeps evolution confined only to the earth, so according to the author who is the professor of environmental science himself the existence of life on planet Earth is the attribute of the universe itself.

So this book proposes the theory of evolution of life beyond Earth this book is divided into 16 chapters that explain this new theory of evolution to the reader and also by reading this book the reader gets to read about some certain philosophies and social orders like luminosity which means the philosophy of light lumen Archy which means the ruling of light and cosmic receive which means democracy at a cosmic level.

This book actually consists of several poems that are penned down by the author from time to time to explain certain concepts from time to time that we keep reading one such poem is called a bonsai mind that I really liked I will write few lines for you guys so that you can know why I liked it.

"look at a bonsai and have pity on a bonsai mind cursed by the art of a bonsai mind the bonsai fights an endless war to capture the soil of the earth that was meant to seed it but it never reaches the earth, the bonsai fights an endless war to reach for the endless vastness of the sky to beg light from the Sun but it never has its desire fulfilled a prey of the art of a bonsai mind the bonsai struggles to breathe in terrible starvation crying for the earth crying for the Sun crying for the freedom from the art of a bonsai mind"

The reason that I love this poem so much was because it gave me a new and eye-opening perspective on bonsais I love bonsais myself that's why I found this poem to be really hard-hitting bonsais are beautiful they add to the beauty of your room or anywhere they are kept they look very nice but their beauty comes at a cruel cost 

This poem made me realize that to a great extent I have to bonsais myself but I am very happy to tell you that they both are fake and I'm really happy that they're fake especially after reading this poem 

As far as I'm concerned I'm a total layman when it comes to a book like this which is why it took me over a month to get through this book so this book was both challenging and illuminating for me to read 

It was challenging well simply because this is not my field I am a commerce student I would like a time professor waiting for his patients because I took my own time with his book 

It was illuminating because I read and learned something new there was a lot of information in this book hell this book proposes a new theory of evolution that is big there are many many new concepts that I had no idea about I got to know about them through this book 

This book reinforces the importance of light time and again there's a lot of repetition in that regard that the importance of light is talked about many times maybe because the author wants to reinforce this fact that if the light is there nothing else can exist

It has to be said that this is definitely the kind of book that will attract a very very specific readership so if you are one of those people who are interested in reading about a new theory of evolution that is proposed in this book by the author a theory of evolution that exceeds and goes beyond the theory of Charles Darwin 

Then you can definitely check this book out needless to say for me personally this book was a very unique experience.

