Click here to download the pdf The Untethered Soul book pdf Download Book Name: The Untethered Soul Authors: Michael A. Singer Pages: 200 Publish Date: 3 October 2007 Language: English Genre: Self-Help Book Book Review: The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, Idea 1 You are that underlying awareness If I ask you the question, who are you might answer with something like I'm Jill or I'm Jack? but that is a very simple answer and it's not the true reflection of who you are You want a much deeper look into who you actually are Let's do a thought experiment to find out which parts of ourselves are essential to our existence. I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a room with a bunch of people and a piano So the first thing let's see if we are the objects are on us So obviously if I take away the piano you would have no problem with that. It's just a piano It's got no relation to you. If I take away other people you should be fine with