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The Truth in My Lies by Ivy Smoak pdf download


The Truth in My Lies by Ivy Smoak

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The Truth in My Lies by Ivy Smoak pdf download

Details of The Truth in My Lies by Ivy Smoak Book

  • Book Name: The Truth in My Lies
  • Authors: Ivy Smoak
  • Pages: 318
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller Fiction
  • Publish Date: Feb 12, 2018
  • Language: English

Book Review:

The Truth in My Lies by Ivy Smoak, So I have for the month recent weeks and all month or so I have been in a like reading slump, especially an audiobook reading slump which you guys know that 

I majorly maturely consume my books the way I have been I read the first book okay the first book of the series which is called oh my god it the series is called the secrets of suburbia and it is centered around the suburban women 

In this ritzy neighborhood, everybody talks about each other but these resident women have secrets of their own okay 

So the synopsis gave you just enough a little bit of a piece of um what it is so the first book follows we they are trigger warning the first book for abuse physical abuse and they're like are seen 

So if you are like uh triggered by that I would kind of like skip those pages or like skip the book it's kind of going to the second book 

Because the second book does refer to the situation in the first book like around an investigation 

But that's kind of it and then it kind of like wanes off into the character development so these books are the secrets of suburbia I read the first two out of the three and when 

I tell you the twist the plot twist you never see them coming and it still is a plot twist until the end of the book so this series is by Ivy smoke 

I need you guys to read this book because um legit obsessed and I was reading this periodically 

Because I was trying to pick up something new from someone I hadn't read but also like i needed a thriller because I don't know if I was reading just average romances lately and that also attributed to my reading slump 

but ivy smoke is the one you need to be looking out for because oh my goodness the plot to the viewer and the murder in the suburbs and these women have all these secrets 

The first one is like is she's in a very precarious situation I'm using that because I don't want to swallow it for you y'all that was so good 

It's so good if you are a thriller you need thriller suspense baby it is the subplot is a romance like a little bit but mostly 85 

