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Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo PDF Download



Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo PDF Download 

Details of Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo Book

  • Book Name: Talk Like TED
  • Authors: Carmine Gallo
  • Pages: 279
  • Genre: Self Help
  • Publish Date: Jan 28, 2014
  • Language: English
  • Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • Price: Free

Book Review:

Ideas are the currency of the 21st century; some people are exceptionally good at presenting their ideas. There is nothing more inspiring than a bold idea delivered by a great speaker. Ideas, if packaged and delivered well, can change the world. And what if I tell you some of those techniques are shared by the world's greatest communicators?

Carmine Gallo, author of the book "Talk Like TED," interviews most popular speakers, and some diffuse in this book how you can package and deliver your ideas to wow your audience. This video is helpful if you want to speak with more confidence and authority in presentations, sell your products and services, or if you have an idea worth sharing. The techniques in this book will help you craft and tell your ideas effectively.

The Most Engaging Presentations

The most engaging presentations are divided into three parts: emotional (they touch your hearts), novel (they teach you something), and memorable (they present content in ways you will never forget). Let's dive into each one of them.

1. Emotional

Great communicators reach your head and touch your heart, but most people who tell you a presentation forget the hard part. So, how do you touch the audience's heart and mind both? Well, the best way is to learn the art of storytelling. Brian Stevenson, over the course of 18 minutes, held the audience's attention as he started with a story about his grandma who had influenced his life. Stevenson spent 65% of his presentation telling stories because stories stimulate and engage the human brain, helping the speaker connect with the audience emotionally.

2. Novel

Our brains are trained to look for something brilliant and new, something that stands out, something with novelty. Hans Rosling, a professor of Health in Sweden, tracks global health and poverty trends. In his presentation, he delivers statistics that really shape your worldview. He presents information in ways that nobody has ever seen before. Rosling's presentation turned boring numbers into enjoyable animation that makes sense of the world. His audience was laughing, cheering, and ultimately engaged. Novelty increases dopamine, the chemical that gets released when people learn something new and exciting.

3. Memorable

You may have novel ideas, but if your audience cannot recall what you said, those ideas don't matter. So, how do you make it memorable? Paint pictures by using concrete words. Jenny Shepard, an injured cross-country skier, painted a picture for her TEDx audience without showing a single slide or photograph. She used evocative and descriptive words to take her audience on a bike ride, making her talk memorable.

There are two ways we communicate information: abstract and concrete. Abstract uses vague language, which is not memorable. Concrete examples, on the other hand, paint pictures in your audience's mind and make your ideas memorable.

As I said at the start of this video, ideas are the currency of the 21st century. Your ideas can change the direction of your life, and potentially, it can change the world around you. So bring emotions, make it novel, and finally, make it memorable. This is Nick. Keep speaking, keep expressing; the world is your stage.
