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Say You Swear By Meagan Brandy Pdf Download


Say You Swear By Meagan Brandy

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Say You Swear By Meagan Brandy PDF Download 

Details of Say You Swear By Meagan Brandy Book

  • Book Name: Say You Swear  
  • Authors:  Meagan Brandy
  • Pages: 535
  • Publish Date: 15 February 2022
  • Language: Romance novel, Contemporary romance, New adult fiction

Book review

Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy. Amanda expressed her disappointment with the book, ultimately deciding to stop reading it and giving it a one-star rating. Here are some key points from her review:

  1. Expectations vs. Reality: Amanda had high expectations for the book based on its popularity and genre (contemporary romance, football romance). She anticipated a story set in college with elements of angst and slow-burn romance, but found the characters and plot didn't align with her expectations.

  2. Young Characters: Amanda felt that the characters seemed younger than expected, behaving more like high school students despite being in college. She found it difficult to connect with them and felt their actions didn't fit the college romance genre.

  3. Lack of Plot: Amanda struggled to find a compelling plot beyond scenes of drunken parties. She felt the storyline lacked depth and didn't provide enough intrigue to keep her engaged.

  4. Personal Preferences: While Amanda acknowledged that others may enjoy the book, she emphasized that it didn't appeal to her personally. She encourages readers to make their own decisions about what to read and hopes others might find enjoyment in the book despite her own experience.

Overall, Amanda's review provides valuable insights into her reading experience and highlights the importance of managing expectations when choosing books to read.

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