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The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert pdf download

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The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert pdf download

Details of The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert Book

  • Book Name: The Princess Trap 
  • Authors: Talia Hibbert 
  • Pages: 334
  • Genre: Romance novel, Fiction, Contemporary romance, Humor
  • Publish Date: 9 March 2021
  • Language: English

Book Review: 

The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert this is really cute it's not like as steamy as i wanted but the cuteness factor and like the chemistry between these two perfect perfect like i didn't even mind that the steam didn't really happen to like the kind of the end of the book because

i was like really focused on the relationship and the chemistry the banter the tension yes okay so we have cherry cherry is the head of hr at a academy and the uk and we have reuben who is a prince of a scandinavian country and he's visiting this academy to get a trust he's trying to figure out if 

this academy is so you know good to put his trust in so other students from the scandinavian country can come to that academy and you know get a degree he meets her and he's instantly just like attracted attracted because she's beautiful he's overly handsome and things gets ahead it's like 

she goes to lunch and he shows up at the cafeteria thing the break room and he's like hey can i speak to you for a minute and he asked her to lunch and she's like wait you need like right now and he's like yes so he takes her out so much then she's like you know playing that with the banter 

the cheese the flirting it's just uh it was so and then we get to the point where he asked her out and she's like yeah but we have to go back to my place so i can change clothes i don't go out like 

this so she does not know that he's a prince at this point in time like does not know she just knows that he is like important but she in her mind she didn't think like prince important you know because i wouldn't think prince important i just think important rich filthy rich 

how about that because he has bodyguards so they go back to her place and on the way the teasing turns a little tension builds and he like pushes her up against the wall and is like holding her hand you know that control dom thing and then paparazzi shows up and he blurts out that 

you can't take pictures of him and her because her fiances and the skinny in the country they worked out with the press that you can't take pictures of the royal family uh if it's not like i think um a press event and so in order to protect cherry that's her name um he said that that was his fiancee 

they've only known each other for a couple hours probably not even that so if you couldn't tell this is fake dating or i should say fake fiance and interracial with a royalty aspect into it oh my gosh the tension in this i love the tension in this and he's a he's a dom and you can like you got 

hints of it in like it's sprinkled in and it isn't until like well you get hints and then like you have like a backstory that like no one's telling you but it's like broadcast like he's kinky but no one's told you like how kinky like it's implied but like there are rumors all kinds of things a little bit he's house oh gosh

this is good and obviously there's some drama because when he goes back to the scandinavian country because his brother is the king and there is a whole bunch of drama that is uh in this because 

it's his half brother so but there's more drama while they're there and most of it doesn't actually have to do with her race it has to do with something else entirely and i'll leave that up for you to you know find out and read about but 

yes i read this in one sitting i literally just woke up i like i started reading at eight and i just finished it at 11 40. so quick easy to the point and i loved it loved it this is a great rewriting because 

i will be rereading it when i'm ever in the mood to just have something like fun and will get me in a mood to read again one of the books.

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