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Day turns dark book pdf download in english


Day turns dark book pdf download in english

Day turns dark book pdf download in English

Details of Day Turns Dark book

  • Book Name: Day Turns Dark 
  • Authors: Sunil Sihag Gora
  • Pages: 230
  • Publish Date: 22/01/2021
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic 


Hearts are meant to be broken but can they forge new relationships this is a question many heartbroken lovers have asked themselves time and again 

A person may move on but is it so easy to forget one's first love author Sunil Sihag Gora ponders over these questions in his debut novel Dayton stark 

Day Turns Dark by Sunil Sihag Gora the author sent me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review the novel revolves around the life of Nathan who wins over everyone with his simplistic charm and lofty ideals

The story spans over years and is quite relatable the story unfolds in two parts the first part is a dreamy romance between two teenagers and the second part is full of unexpected surprises twists and turns

Nitin lives with his grandparents and is quite attached to his grandmother he is quite arrogant but kind at heart he falls in love with harleen who is the prettiest girl in the school they both dream of becoming doctors and envisions a beautiful future together 

But due to a tragic loss Nitin falls into depression and when he recovers he has lost the love of his life in the second part nitin's past catches up with him he meets Mansi whom he had unknowingly wronged he blames himself for ruining her life and wants to rectify his mistake but at that point, Helene comes back into his life 

Whom will Nitin choose Helene or mansi who is the true love of nitin's life will nitin live happily ever after to know the answers you have to read the book? 

The story seems like a soppy romance but believes me, it has all the ingredients of a typical Bollywood movie anger emotions suspense romance thrill and social issues 

The first part of the novel is quite slow-paced and is about the blooming romance between Nitin and Halim I found the first part a bit stressed and quite cheesy too 

The story picks up in the second part at first I thought that this is the same old love triangle but the author introduces so many twists and turns that kept me intrigued 

The story takes an unexpected turn in the end which was beyond my wildest imaginations with a masterstroke the author turns an ordinary love story into a thriller with a chilling climax 

If I talk about characters then none of the main characters is likeable the characters are flawed and that makes them quite relatable the protagonist Nathan is quite rude arrogant and short-tempered he fails to realize that his rash and impulsive actions can have far-reaching consequences and can destroy innocent lives 

As the story progresses Nathan's character assumes a deeper meaning but as a reader, I fail to sympathize with him 

Helene is a strong character who is beautiful intelligent and quite vocal about her feelings but she is also very practical and doesn't hesitate to break up with Nitin for the slightest reason 

But still when she meets him after years she expects him to accept her wholeheartedly, the other female character Mansi is equally selfish she emotionally manipulates Nitin into giving a false testimony narrator 

And the other supporting characters are written beautifully I particularly like the character of Radhay Bhai wish we had more politicians like him the bond between Nitin and his friends is the highlight of 

The book as they are always there to support each other unconditionally the other thing that I liked about the book is how the author talks about certain social issues along with giving insightful solutions he talks about the corrupt practice of bribing the voters during the elections but 

He also suggests giving them vegetables instead of liquor to secure their votes he also tries to raise awareness for organ donation through his book the book is written in simple and easy to understand language 

It is an easy read as the story unfolds you become eager to know what happens next the book has a well thought out plot with strong characters 

However, I feel that the book would be better off with some editing as the first part is unnecessarily dragged it is a beginner-friendly book 

The book has its flaws but overall it manages to hold the interest of the readers you can pick this book if you want to read a refreshing love story with darker tones 

So this was my review of Day turns Dark if you have enjoyed this review please like comment and share.

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