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Connecting Arduino to the Web Download PDF


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Connecting Arduino to the Web Download PDF

Information About The Book:

  • Title: Connecting Arduino to the Web: Front End Development Using JavaScript.
  • Language: English.
  • Size: 6.90 Mb.
  • Pages: 402.
  • Format: Pdf.
  • Year: 2018.
  • Edition: 1.
  • Author: Indira Knight.

About The Book:

Make physical interfaces that cooperate with the Internet and website pages. With Arduino and JavaScript, you can make intuitive, intelligent shows and associated gadgets that send or get information to the web. 

You'll profit by the procedures expected to set up electronic segments, gather information, and make site pages that are equipped for communicating with electronic segments. 

Through activities, tasks, and clarifications, this book will give you the essential aptitudes in building up the web and gadgets expected to make associated physical interfaces and assemble drawing in representations with a lot of JavaScript libraries.

Chapter 1: Arduino, Circuits and Components.
Chapter 2: Creating a Web Server.
Chapter 3: Arduino to Front End Part I.
Chapter 4: Introduction to Creating Web Content.
Chapter 5: Front End to Arduino.
Chapter 6: Arduino to Front End Part II.
Chapter 7: Visualizing Data.
Chapter 8: Create a Web Dashboard.
Chapter 9: Physical Data Visualization with Live Data.
Chapter 10: Creating a Game Controller.

