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PMBOK 7th Edition PDF free Download 

PMBOK 7th Edition guide 7th edition in this video i am sharing my opinion related to this bimbo guide 7th edition to start with i want to share 3 things 

which at a summary level got my attention the first thing is the seventh edition has moved from process paid standard to a principle-based standards 

so it's like this many of the frameworks you might have studied start talking about what is the fundamental principle that guides that framework whereas our ex 

The old pinball guide says sixth edition and before starts from talking about knowledge areas and processes and ultimately tells us this is a process this takes some input it generates some outputs 

It gets to the doing very fast and it's it's more about that this is how we get things done 

Now it sometime also looks very prescriptive people interpret it that these thing has to be done though the pmbok guide sixth edition was clearly saying that these processes are not prescriptive 

You can definitely apply tailoring but now pmi has taken more higher level view and it's saying we are not telling you about the processes anymore we are not telling you the details of 

How to do the things we are not telling you how to record the risk we are not telling you that you should have a risk register and probably these these attributes might be there 

we are just telling okay you might want to take care of uncertainties and and that's a good idea to take care of uncertainties and and and if you do that 

If you achieve better outcome and these are the possible outcomes and this is how you can detect are you taking care of uncertainties so it is at an example level i took a risk thread here 

so it is not getting into the process and the prescription or the examples of it and it is only staying at a very very high level and telling us the principles which helps us in doing project management better yeah that's a fast shift 

you can see the second shift is usually the new pmbok guide comes in and it replaces the previous pmbok guide and we start focusing on the new guide and it gives all the information to us this is not the case this time 

The pmbok 6th edition may still holds value when it comes to a process oriented approaches and pmbok guide seventh edition is clearly saying the process oriented approaches may be a valued in some organization where they want to get little bit more 

Details about how to do the things and they can use the previous pmbok guide for for same 

so in a way pmbok guide seventh edition is not replacing pinball guide sixth edition it is adding on top of it it is adding the thought process the thinking mind on pmbok guide sixth edition it is telling how should 

You think in order to solve the problem so approaches the ideas the principles which guides project management are something which are there in the pmbokid seventh edition that's the second difference 

The third difference is the knowledge areas are gone in the pmbok guide seventh edition the performance domains has come up 

So it's again a refactoring the the content to show more interrelationship because knowledge area many times got interpreted that 

I need to focus on a one-act area and i will get the things done whereas actually everything was interrelated in the pmbok guide 6 edition 

As well here we are saying let's look from a performance domain perspective rather than the knowledge perspective say stakeholders say 

Say planning and find out what all matters while doing stakeholder while doing planning related stuff say communication may go along with the stakeholder committee some part of the communication may come along with 

The planning as well so we focus on the performance domain space rather than the knowledge area space and these performance domains each performance domain talks about 

How they interact with each other and and how all these eight performance domain comes together help us in achieving the project management 

so these are the three uh core things that i can pick up from PMBOK guide sam tradition now I get into a little bit more details 

The pmbok guide 7th edition has two sections one is the project management standard and a guide to project management body of knowledge now let's go into these sections one by one each section has a three lessons let's talk about the project management standards first 

So it has the first lesson which is the introduction just describing explaining some of the concepts and the terminology so we can say that okay it gives us some introduction 

The second one is the system for value delivery that is little bit interesting it talks about what is value how the overall organization come together how various components of the organization say project portfolio program operations 

A product all comes together and delivers value how the information flows between these things so that's the the the another interesting thing 

which is covered in this lesson it also talks about what are the areas need to be focused while doing project management 

so pmbok seventh edition is not talking about the role of a project manager it is talking about what matters in order to do a good project management 

So it explains those eight areas and and and that's the another uniqueness you will see in the lesson uh too and it also talks about little bit in more details about product life cycle and show how possibly a project life cycle 

relates and and and comes inside the the product life cycle so that's the the lesson two of 

a project standard section the lesson three has 12 principles of project management so project standard sections lesson 3 takes 

through the principles of project management now these principles are explained uh in this particular lesson there is also some guidance to find out what kind of an outcome 

we can achieve by following those principles and also have some sections explaining how do we measure how we are doing against those principles 

so folks like principles like applying system thinking taking care of uncertainties focusing on collaboration and facilitation 

so those kinds of principles are there and it tells us possibly what outcome you get and how do you measure it but it will not tell 

you how to implement it it's more about like what we are trying to achieve and how do we know we are achieving it how to figure that out that the action of 

It that is something is left on the section b and also left beyond the project uh the pmbok guide seventh edition so this is the three sections of the project standard space 

Now let's come to the second section a guide to project management body of knowledge now the first lesson of the second section is all about performance domains 

so all eight performance domains are explained here now doing part is is at a very summary level 

so for example when we are talking about planning it will tell that we need to find out what activities need to be done how do we do perform those activity how do we sequence them and we get it done 

It will never tell you the exact process of identifying activities the possible attributes we capture in the activity list the the possible way of identifying dependency 

The different types of dependency those kind of details are purposefully excluded from these eight domains so don't think getting the knowledge area level details which you saw in the sixth edition in these performance domain 

Here you get a very very summary level details but if you understand all the 10 knowledge area you will find this area very very familiar 

you can relate to it it's just a refactoring and refocusing of of the content which will come happening here based on the performance domain now the lesson two of the guide part is all about tailoring 

so we had tailoring in pmbok at sixth edition also in the each knowledge area we start with the trailering here you have a consolidated lesson on trailering and it is telling how possibly a trailering needs to be done in the various domains 

so all performance domains are discussed and areas to tailor those particular performance domain is consolidated in this particular lesson the final lesson is the the one which is connecting this idea of project management to action

The doing part of the project management which is not much elaborated in the in the pmbok guide seventh edition but the last section which is called the math models methods 

artifacts is something which is listing out some of the models like tuckman ladder conflict management model methods like estimation various estimation methods meetings

Those kind of analytical techniques like variance analysis and all are the methods and the artifacts like your requirement document work breakdown structure user story product backlog those are all artifact parts 

So they are listed they are listed at a summary level it's kind of a glossary definition of it you don't get a template for work breakdown structure or example of a user story in 

The pmbok guide uh seventh edition you just come to know there is something called work breakdown structure that's it and then there is a table which relates that okay possibly wps will be relating to relating to planning wps may also relate to stakeholders 

So all eight performance domain comes as a column and then you have a list of these is models methods and artifacts and there is a cross signal which tells that oh this is the area possibly it works 

There but you know how do you apply a particular method in a particular domain is something is not explained here 

So say i am doing a meeting i am doing a planning meeting and i am doing a monitoring meeting or i am doing a team-level meeting 

So meeting might be relevant in a team space the team meeting might be related in the planning space but we may not talk about how this meeting might be different in these two particular space that is left on the project manager or the reader to to find it it out 

so in a way keeping the content at a high level seems to be the goal of pmbok guide seventh edition always trying to remain at a place 

so it does not look like prescriptive not giving any hint of a particular template particular attribute particular artifact related to the idea of doing project management keeping those two things very very separate 

now somebody may wonder but ultimately i need to know how do i apply i need to know some some template for my project charter i need to know a template for my work breakdown structure how do i find it out or is there anything pmis is doing to help me 

so the answer is yes so what they have done is they have created another digital platform which they are saying pmi standard plus and that platform can be used along with the pmbok guide 

so say you want to understand what is work breakdown structure because you were reading pmbok guide sound edition you log into pmi standard plus standards plus dot uh data platform and you search about work breakdown structure 

you may get some videos you may get some template you may get some material which is coming from pmbok guide sixth edition probably and the wbs standards and and practice guides all those content will be available to you 

So it's like this in order to know how to do it a learner should go to pmis standards plus a platform that's the recommendation for finding out your doing guidance the only glitch is when you go to a pmi standard plus a platform you need to search 

You need to know what you are looking for there is no kind of a guided process that okay you are starting the project and initially you need a project charter 

it should look like this and then you need to talk about requirement and then requirement traceability the metric should look like this that kind of a flow and guidance is not there you need to figure that out yourself 

So it's it's like this one may not be able to read or understand project management by looking at pinbar guide 7th editions and the additional content 

But once you have an experience in project management and you want to sharpen that you want to understand the detailed nitty gritties of it then 

I find the pmi standard plus platform is the is the marvelous platform the advantage is it is kept digital 

So the new areas new techniques new methods will keep getting added or as they get discovered or as they become popular in the project management as space so that's the the thing which they have have done 

So in order to find out the complete understanding of project management one has to look at bimbo guide 7th edition and pmis standards plus a platform uh the pmi standard plus platform majorly coming from pmbok guide sixth edition 

So if you are a new learner you may read pinball guide seventh edition along with the pm work at 6th edition i would recommend you may learn read pmbok at 6th edition first and then you read a pmbok at 7th edition in order to understand that the thinking and doing together well 

So that's that's what i feel about the pmbok guide 7th edition now many of you who might be preparing for pmp exam and may wonder okay 

How this thing impacts me you know like am i going to test it am i going to get tested on something which is written on pmbok 7th edition like 12 principles of project management that's not the case the principles of project management were already in place 

When you were looking at exam content outline the way of of thinking was already there and there is there is a no probability of getting a question which is just asking is this the principle of project management or not because that is not the pmp exam content outline is designed 

So the pump exam is based on pmp pmis published document called exam content outline the exam content outline is too much focused on the domain tasks and enabler 

So it's more about doing how do you demonstrate your project management knowledge and competency in a given situation 

so the question will talk about something which is happening in the project and you need to find out the option which is more linked to doing part of doing project management 

so what you need to do you need to continue your preparation using the exam content outline oriented preparation material if you are part of pmis atp program like atp's client so authorized training provider like we are the authorized training provider we do get material from pmi 

so now pmi provides their education provider a separate booklet which is primarily meant for exam so the pmbok guide and pmp exam relationship is becoming more and more weak pmi has been telling that pmbok guide is is is the pmp exam is not based on on pmbok guide it in a way say five years ago i can say if i prepare project pmp 

pmbok guide i'm done with my pmp exam preparation because the content was too much kind of overlapping the exam content outline and the pmbok content was pretty much overlapping 

But now it's not the case the exam content outline has a distinct focus they expect you to understand people management agile way of working a cost-related way of working project management traditional project management way of working in detail 

Which is not covered in the pmbok guide seventh edition but yes it is well covered in pmbok guide sixth edition and maybe you need to pick up some of the agile material uh uh beyond beyond that 

so if you are following the authorized education training provider content i suggest you focus that area their material as a main reference material for your pmp exam preparation 

i do believe if you focus on studying agile related content as well as a pmbok guide six related uh content it can strengthen 

your project management fundamentals which will help you in getting your ecos exam content outline level work done at a faster pace so i don't see any change happening in the pmp exam because of this new 

 PMBOK guide seventh edition release now there could be at some point in time we as an education provider may also start explaining you why this question was right because it relates well with project management principle xxx 

so i do see that kind of an explanation and core relationship may emerge in next three four months time and by that time i do anticipate even the pmis exa the content preparation 

book which you get from pmi's platform may also start adapting some of this principle part 

but that will be a gradual process and in a way that's not a big change indirectly that all ideas are well covered in the current exam preparation content material 

so i spoke about pmbok guide seventh edition i also looked into the the impact on on the pmp exam if you have some suggestion or a sharing related to your pmbok guide 7th edition understanding.

