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Heartstopper, Volume 1 by Alice Oseman

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Heartstopper, Volume 1 by Alice Oseman pdf Download 

Details of Heartstopper, Volume 1 by Alice Oseman Book

  • Book Name: Heartstopper, Volume 1 
  • Authors: Alice Oseman 
  • Pages:  307
  • Genre: Comics, Graphic novel
  • Publish Date: 7 February 2019
  • Language: English

Book Review 

Heartstopper, Volume 1 by Alice Oseman this come on now so today i'm going to be talking to you guys about heart stopper by alice oziman so it's about two high school students in the uk named nick 

charlie nick is a rugby player who is very cool lead bad guy very chill very nice and charlie isn't you're below him so it's like your difference recently came out 

i think he's like popular or because of that and for some reason athletically like very good at sports even though he doesn't know it yet they've started off as friends and as sort of progresses one thing leads to another and bada b boom this is a i didn't know 

this is a graphic novel i for some reason thought this was a knowledge just by like the look of it i was like oh it's a novel it's gonna be a why a queer novel i picked it up because i saw the trailer for the netflix adaptation of 

this and i thought hey read it before you see it kind of thing it's like super easy to read in one sitting because a lot of these pages are just like some of this amazing illustration do you see that 

i really wish it was in color that's that's one of the first things i want to say so the story is very cutesy very like romantic very white which is technically the genre growing up i don't think i would have ever seen something like 

this in a target or like in a or like in a library let alone like at schools and i've heard that this is like available at school you can read this this is such a healthy representation it's not morbid it's not sad it's very much very short escapist read i think 

this would be one of my first graphic novels that i've ever picked up um remember when i bought it and the price was like 15 16 i was like it's not gonna be worth it five minutes later picked it up read it thoroughly enjoyed it i was like wow

this was worth it yeah it's a great story i was surprised of like how much i enjoyed it i was expecting it to be longer and i honestly was expecting it to be a um novel rather than a graphic novel so yay for my goodreads count because i was able to finish it rather quickly because i needed to catch up 

this month um yeah i don't know there's something about stories like this that need to be heard that need to be produced so i'm glad netflix is making a show out of this or has made a show already the world needs 

this kind of stuff they need some happy moments to enjoy that has nothing to do with a disease or like somebody dying or stuff like that representation matters and it's important for you to pick up books like this 

so let publishers know that this is the type of thing you want to read but yes highly recommend this give us 5 out of 5 stars the artwork's amazing the characters cute as a button very lovey-dovey cozy read you can read like in less than 30 minutes i think i read it in around that time

i should have tied myself so i'm really looking forward to reading volume 2 through 4 and watching the netflix adaptation.
