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His Brand of Justice by Delores Fossen PDF Download


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His Brand of Justice by Delores Fossen PDF Download

  • Book Name: His Brand of Justice 
  • Authors: Delores Fossen 
  • Pages: 188
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance Novel
  • Publish Date: 6 August 2020
  • Language: English

Book Review:

His Brand of Justice (Longview Ridge Ranch Book #4) by Delores Fossen is the final romantic mystery in the series. Ms. Fossen gives enough backstory that you can read it as a standalone, but I'd recommend you read at least book #1 first.

These four books are about four modern law enforcement cowboy brothers and the women they meet in dangerous situations.

Carolyn Moser was a profiler and computer savvy working on a program for law enforcement to identify serial killers led by Gemma Harrison. 

Her research assistant, Eric Long, was a serial killer who nearly killed both women. Caroline survived a severe head injury from amnesia and was placed in the WITSEC program under the tutelage of Marshal Jack Slater.

Marshal Jack Slater is determined to keep Caroline safe at all costs. Their relationship falls apart when Caroline loses her memory as well as any clues to the murderer of the Slater brother's father, who was killed trying to save the women.

Eric Long may have died, but no one wants Caroline to bring back memories of him. As Jack tries to keep Caroline safe, he races to find danger before any more people die.

I really enjoyed this conclusion to the Longview Ridge Ranch Series. Ms. Fosson does a great job of bringing together all the threads of this plot and the overall arc of the series.

I was bouncing back and forth between suspects and for such a limited number of characters, I was still puzzled. I've always known that I'm going to have an alpha cowboy hero and a stronger heroine than 

I can find in any of Ms. Fossen's books. I was excited to read Jack and Carolyn's HEA and it did not disappoint. There are explicit sex scenes, but they are not unnecessary or dragged on.

The Intrigue series always gives me a great romantic mystery or mystery that I can read quickly and be completely satisfied with HEA. I highly recommend this book, this series, and any book by Ms. Fossen!


"I almost grabbed Lucille and killed you," she said, and Carolyn cursed her voice. It was moving too.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Funny, I thought it was the shooter who almost killed us."

"If it wasn't for me, the shooter wouldn't be firing those bullets." She expected him to answer her some sugar, but she had apparently forgotten that it was Jack.

"This is true." Hanging in that air, he waited for the heartbeat. "And since I don't want to attempt more murders, that means you have to let me help you."

"You mean I have to trust Kellan," said Carolyn. She felt much less powerless now.

Jack blushed, taking her hand out of his pocket so that he could tap the badge on his belt. "Not every lawmaker in Texas is tainted, and if you dig beneath all the anger, fear, and whatever you're feeling, you'll remember that you've got the best shot at keeping both of us alive." "

He followed that too logical short discourse with a long stare. Jack was clearly waiting for her to come to the only conclusion he had right now.

"I'm not going to trust your brother," she insisted, but left out the rest—that she would trust Jack. Then, it was the only option he had.

He nodded as if he had ended it with a heated argument. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe." He stayed. "Shall I take a pill for you to prove it?"

Jack didn't blink, but he might as well, as he was clearly trying to lighten things up. Trying to get him back down and still lull some of the raw adrenaline. It was working, because it was something he jokingly told her when they were lovers. A way to let her know that he cares for her a lot.

"No," she said, taking out a one-word answer to emphasize it. When she was staring at him, there was more emotion in her voice than she wanted.



Yes, I do remember.

It helped more than his lame attempt at police humor. Her being there helped, too, and in spite of everything—or maybe because of it—Caroline wanted to step right into his arms. Those strong arms with their toned muscles. She wanted to feel the warmth and the comfort that she had found before. Jack pulled and pulled her like no man has ever done before.

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