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The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing book

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The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing book pdf download

Details About  The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing book  Book PDF

  • Book Title: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing book  
  • Name of Author: Daniel H. Pink
  • Genre: Self-help book
  • Date Of Publish: 2 January 2018
  • Pages: 262
  • Language: English
Book Review:

The scientific secrets of perfect timing and we're gonna take a look at it first I want to tell you that I read this short but incredible book over the last few weeks I highlighted something like 117 quotes and even that feels like 

I didn't do it justice it's an incredible book that I highly recommend you read for yourself this is just an overview of it but this isn't gonna do it justice you can buy it in the link that's in the description just below there is one quote in the book

that summarizes the whole thing for me and it's this we simply don't take issues of when as seriously as we take questions of what we simply don't take issues of when as seriously as we take questions of what pink starts 

this book by explaining that we all experience the day in three stages peak trough rebound so our alertness in energy levels increase in the morning they decline around noon and then they ascend again towards the end of the day about 75% of us experienced the peak truffle rebound 

in that order and we'll get to the other 25% in a little bit for this 75% research shows that analytical tasks should happen during that peak during that morning phase and that during that trough 

that's when we should work on creative analytical tasks which pink refers to as the inspiration paradox basically where we are most innovative and creative when we're not at our best so what about the other 25% pink refers to people 

as being in three different types he caused him larks owls and third birds at larks are early risers owls as you can imagine are late starters and third Birds I kind of saw we're in the middle and he describes that 75% 

as being comprised almost solely of larks and third birds owls make up that extra 25% so this can be due to genes or it can also be due to age for example adolescents are often hours as you probably know and older generations more larkey in nature 

so whereas larks and third births typically experience their day as a peek at ruff and a rebound owls are slightly different theirs is more like recovery trough peak to summarize we all experience something like a peak a trough and a rebound and that trough 

is the most perilous time of the day pink even goes through some research that suggests that you should never get an appointment at the hospital during that trough period so particularly just in the afternoon hours which is crazy and there's a few other stories again 

I recommend that you read this book but how can we combat those troughs well the author gives us some suggestions for that too he says that we need to take breaks that breaks are vital that we should be out in nature that we should be away from our desks 

we should maybe even go for a walk for five minutes out of every hour that we should be social in fact pink writes this if you're looking for the Platonic ideal of a restorative break the perfect combination of scarf hat and gloves to insulate yourself from the cold breath of the afternoon consider a short walk outside with a friend during which you discuss something other than work 

I'm someone who loves to skip lunch so I can go crazy and eat more in the evening and it turns out that that's a really stupid idea lunch is actually the most important meal of the day and it helps us combat those trusts 

we experience and the most important thing is not at your desk but wait there's more if you're anything like me you a good nap and research shows it's actually super valuable listen to this quote done right naps can be a shrewd response to the trough 

a valuable brake naps research shows confer two key benefits they improve cognitive performance and they boost mental and physical health that's the good news the bad news is that to combat something called sleep inertia 

you know when we wake up feeling really groggy and gross we should only take naps that are between 10 and 20 minutes it seems tough but I've been trying it for the last few weeks and it's awesome what 

we should do according to the author is set our alarm for 25 minutes as the average person takes about seven minutes to fall asleep and then we get our good nap and we're ready to go for the rest of the day 

so pink begins his book talking about Peaks trusts and recoveries and what we can do to combat that and over the course of the rest of his book he talks about beginnings midpoints and endings

it turns out that beginnings are much more important than we realize for example lots of research they're pink sites suggests that the school start time for adolescent and college-age students 

you know the Owls should be later one study even suggests that the start time should be as late as 11 a.m. for optimal performance with those students 

but the average start time in the u.s. s at present is just 803 and that can have an impact on grades it can have an impact on performance it's a it's a really interesting stat we don't know why 

it is that we start early maybe it's because of the lochia older teachers and people who have to get on with their lives in business and other areas just don't know but the research is interesting 

there's this incredible quote shifting our focus and giving when the same weight as what won't cure all our ills but it's a good beginning and then midpoints our lives are described as being like a series of episodes with beginnings middles and ends and those middles are also fairly important 

they can cause a slump where we lose interest and we get tired you know what it's like in the middle of something where it feels like the end is nowhere to be seen and you're just struggling alone 

but they can also cause sparks where we become more motivated and propelled forward our lives follow a general slump for example in the late 30s and early 40s and we were actually statistically at our slum piaced in our 50s at 52 point nine years but then we rise up again later on in life to get to a point where 

we were actually happier than we were before however being slightly behind at that midpoint can actually be a motivating factor a pink tells this story of a basketball team in I think it's the 80s 

in the college basketball arena where a team is behind by one point and then they go on to win and actually that statistically that's true most teams if they're behind by something like seven points or more I forget exactly what 

it was they are statistically going to lose if that's the way they're at halftime but if at halftime they're behind by one point they're statistically more likely to win the game which is really interesting so there's three ways to turn a slump into a spark 

he says be aware of those midpoints apparently just being aware that you're in those slumps can help you get out of it use them as wake-up call so use them to knock yourself back into action and to push on towards your goal 

then the third thing he says is to imagine you're behind like those basketball players but only by a little bit apparently when we feel like 

we are just a little behind a enough behind that we can catch up it really propels us into action and it propels us to move forward and finally fittingly pink talks about endings he talks particularly about nine Enders so people who are 29 39 49 etc 

apparently there is a disproportionate number of nine Enders who take on things like first-time marathons and things like that apparently we see the end of a period of life and we want to make sure that we are achieving 

so definitely at a food for thought another quote here at the beginning of a pursuit we're generally more motivated by how far we've progressed at the end were generally more energized by trying to close the small gap that remains 

I know that's true for me but I wonder if that's true for you as well it definitely resonates it's also interesting that in that age-old debate of do you want the good news or the bad news first there is a fairly definitive answer based on research and that's that you should always give the good news last given 

a choice human-beings prefer endings that elevate and that's what pink writes in his book and then he applies this research on endings to tell whether or not we should leave our job and I really loved the questions that he asked to help you know whether you should stay or leave your job 

so I wonder if these are helpful for you is your current job both demanding and in your control does your boss allow you to do your best work are you outside the three to five year salary bump window and does your daily work align 

your long-term goals those are some fantastic questions and to be honest some fantastic insights in this book and I thoroughly recommend that you read it I hope this is helpful to give

you a bite-sized chunk of what the book is talking about and if you have any questions feel free to comment below I'd love it if you could.
