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Manifest by Roxie Nafousi

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Manifest by Roxie Nafousi PDF Download

Details of Manifest by Roxie Nafousi Book

  • Book Name: Manifest 
  • Authors: Roxie Nafousi
  • Pages: 192
  • Genre: Self Help 
  • Publish Date:  October 18, 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Manifest by Roxie Nafousi I’m going to break down for you some of the pros and cons, I’ll give you an overview of the book, and I’ll help you to decide whether or not this book should be in your bookcase. 

First thing you might think, is it's actually a bit of a boring cover. When it came to me in the post, I thought, “Wow! It looks more like an academic textbook.” It's got a very sort of bland feel to it, and you could equally see a word like “CHEMISTRY” sitting here. 

But in actual fact, it's entirely appropriate, because this is a lot like an academic textbook and actually that's not a bad thing. It's really well structured. She's got these seven steps to manifestation, and those, basically, are the core chapters of the book. 

And within each chapter, you've got a lot of subheadings, and I think it's fantastic. It's beautifully structured and you can actually really engage with this book as much as you like. I mean, there -there's a whole page where you fill in your answers. You do your own exercises. 

You don't have to, but it's really wonderful there. You can engage with this book as much as you like, and I think that's a real asset to this book. But in addition to that she adds a lot of her personal story. 

Roxie talks about how she was in rock bottom in her 20s and turned it all around by discovering manifestation. And she gives an overview of that story at the beginning of the book, and at first, I thought, “Well, that's very brief,” but she comes back to it in each step of the manifestation process. 

So, she actually intertwines her personal story very cleverly with the whole book. So, you really get to meet her as you read this book, and I think that's real mastery. 

A really great author can do that with a book, and it really engages the reader. And not only are there personal stories of hers, she shares personal stories of her clients as well. 

So, I really love a book that's packed with lots of personal reference stories, and this certainly does that, as well as being incredibly structured and taking you through the process. Now, whether or not I agree with her exact seven steps, I think is just subjective. 

So, I’m not going to critique her specific seven steps to manifestation. I think they're perfectly fine. There is one step that she has in the book, which she calls “overcoming tests from the universe,” and she talks about how if you try to move forward in a certain direction - maybe you're moving country, or you’re moving house, or you’re moving job, or you’re taking a big positive step in a certain direction - she says that the universe will test you by trying to offer you what you're leaving again. 

So, for example, you might go back to an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend, or you might suddenly get a promotion at a job - just as you're at the point of resigning. And for me, those are not tests of the universe. That's just an energetic process that always happens. 

I've made many big moves in my life. Particularly, I've moved from one country to another, and any time I moved from a job, or from a location, I would always have this - what I call - the tap on the shoulder syndrome. And what that means, was that maybe there was something I was working on, in the status quo, that just wasn't coming to fruition for me. 

And then I let go. Go in a different direction. Try to leave the country, and suddenly, it's tapping on my shoulder saying, “Oh! Here's an opportunity.” And that's not - for me - really a test of the universe to test your resilience. 

Are you true to your new path? For me, it's the fact that your energy has changed. So, your energy is no longer in desperation for that fruition to happen where you're at. You've gone in a different direction. 

It's like when you finally leave somebody and show them no interest. Suddenly, they come chasing after you. It's not a test of the universe. It's just natural science. It's the change of energies. 

So, her section on tests from the universe - I thought it was very helpful, but I didn't entirely agree with it. Now, something that she did that I really liked, was she focused a lot on self-love, and so much so that she actually put in a specific dedicated section to self-love. 

She stripped it out, and there's a whole section in here which is I don't know if you can see the pages are a little bit grey. There. They go white there. So, it's the end of step two. You can just see a little bit of grey down the middle, there.

That's where she's addressing self-love. Now, I like the fact that she separated this section and tried to give it its whole own segment, at the end of step two. But what I didn't like was the way she approached self-love. 

Now, for me, self-love happens when you learn to love yourself and accept yourself completely. And Roxie came about this in a slightly different direction. She was sort of putting, I think, the cart before the horse. 

She was saying, “Self-love means valuing your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means showing up for yourself and championing yourself. Self-love means letting go of judgment, regret and negative self-talk.” And so on. Now, if you love and accept yourself completely, the self-love will take care of itself. 

So, I think she's got a chicken and egg here, in that Roxie has put the ACTIONS of self-love before the changing at SOURCE. So, if you learn to love yourself and accept yourself, then that self-value and that self-love will be there. 

So, although I was happy that she made a totally separate section on self-love, I wasn't entirely happy with the angle at which she approached that subject. And the only other thing that I didn't like about this book was, to be honest, there wasn't anything radical and new in this book. 

I couldn't really come away and think, “Wow! That's genius. I never thought of that.” There was no radical new information in this book, um, except in one of the early chapters: she's got a friend who's a neuroscientist, and she does talk a little bit about the neurology and neuroplasticity of the brain, and I thought, “Ooh! That's quite interesting. 

Didn't know that!” But there was nothing really deeply profound in this book that made me think, “Wow! That's something new.” But whilst I think that's one of the negatives about this book, I don't think it's a problem, because quite often, it's important for us to revise what we already know. 

And sometimes what we already know is in lots of different places and lots of different pockets. And what Roxie has done is, she's wrapped it all up in a really beautifully structured, informative manner in this book, in these seven steps, and I think, although there's nothing radically new in here, I think it's exceptionally well presented, and anybody will find this book useful. 

And one more thing that I did really like is that she was very realistic about the process of manifestation, and she really emphasizes the point that you have to work hard. You have to work hard on yourself and what you think and what your goals are. 

And I think it's very important to remember, it does require a lot of self-work. You have to learn to love yourself at the very core, before you can start to manifest the dreams that you want to. One thing that I really loved about this book was that, although Roxie interweaved her personal story throughout the pages of the book, she absolutely saved the best till last.

And there's this fantastic grand finale where she tells the whole story of how she manifested her publishing deal with Penguin. And ultimately, I’m going to say, I think this is a masterpiece. And I think it should be on every person's bookcase who really is serious about self-development and living the best life that they can. So, well done, Roxie. I really enjoyed this book. 

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