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No Plan B by Lee Child & Andrew Child PDF Download

Details of No Plan B by Lee Child & Andrew Child Book

  • Book Name: No Plan B 
  • Authors: Lee Child & Andrew Child 
  • Pages: 336
  • Genre: Literature & Fiction
  • Publish Date: 25 October 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

No Plan B by Lee Child & Andrew Child in the series which i've been a fan of the series since about 2011 when i jumped on the bandwagon a red killing floor couldn't put it down 

i devoured the entire backlist in a very short time after that and have been a fan ever since buying all the books as they come out so it's an awesome series jack reacher is a fantastic character a lot of people if they haven't read the character know about the tom cruise movies which i'm not going to talk about here so let's talk about the cover uh the cover art is uh sensational

it's consistent with all the other books in the series which i'll show you those in a moment uh we can see here that uh in the foreground that it's a silhouette of jack reacher standing outside what looks to be a razor wire fence in front of a prison so i don't know what that's all about but uh the covers are very much like that they only give you a taste of what is possible 

i'll show you a few of the books in the series the more recent books that actually have the same consistent cover art with these uk covers they're brilliant so we have the most recent one better off dead the sentinel [Music] blue moon past tense the midnight line and no middle name the book of collected short stories which is brilliant in its own right 

so you can see just how consistent the uk covers are and what you can expect and the best thing is uh being a book collector as well as a reader they look great on the shelves with the spines out so to say 

i'm excited about this book coming out in october is an understatement and the good thing about lee child is he's always consistent he's always reliable to bring out a book every year and in about at the start of every year he always has the title revealed and the covers revealed so gotta love that 

so what is the book about i'll read the synopsis to you and uh it says in jaredsville colorado two witnesses to the same tragedy give two different accounts one guy sees a woman throw herself in front of a bus in what authorities will call a suicide the other witness is jack reacher and he sees 

what actually happened a man in a gray hoodie and jeans moving like a shadow pushed the victim to her death before swiftly grabbing the dead woman's purse and strolling away reacher follows the killer on foot not knowing that he is a part of something much bigger and far-reaching 

a secret conspiracy with many moving parts with powerful people on the take all involved in an undertaking that leaves no room for error if any step is compromised the threat will have to be quickly and quietly and permanently removed because when the threat is richer 

there is no plan b so not much is given away in the synopsis unfortunately it's very very vague it's very broad you can interpret it any way you can so it's just enough to entice you to get all hyped up about the book when it eventually comes out  

as i said october is a bloody long wait and uh for a die hard jack reacher fan it is uh torture but uh it is going to be worth the wait and uh it's it's a day one uh read for me uh whenever it's released i get my hands on it pretty much uh on new release day and it doesn't matter what i'm reading in my tbr everything gets dropped for a book like 

this so there we go now just in a bit of related news about lee child and jack reacher in general so i want to mention that just in the last week water stones have released a really nice version of killing floor 

it's the 25th anniversary so which looks to be a hard cover and it has exclusive edition uh foiling foiled cover flaps and an introduction from lee child himself and a forward from philip pullman so that sounds like a really good buy i think it works out to be about just under 40 Australian 

so it's certainly going to be a worthwhile investment and i think i might actually splurge and buy that it'll be a really good collector's item so looking forward to that now i want to mention a little bit about the um jack reacher amazon prime tv series uh something that i've been looking forward to uh the minute that it was announced who they were casting in the 

in the iconic role now it's going to be launched on february 4 as pretty much everyone knows if they've if they're an amazon prime subscriber and if they've been looking uh at everything about the new jack reacher series on the internet what is going to be really good is amazon prime are going to be releasing all eight episodes of season one at once so i know that with uh wheel of time they just dished it out every week and for a jack reacher fan who's excited about 

this series it's good to know that i can actually binge watch all late episodes in in one sitting one or two sittings so that is going to be good now the star alan richson i don't know much about him i know he's been in smallville and he's done dc titans and things like that in a couple of small movies but as soon as i saw the first trailer revealing uh richardson in the role for the first time i just thought holy they've nailed the cast in here 

you know it's not like tom cruise i'm not even going to go into that but he's he's massive uh richardson is massive he looks to be the 250 pound frame and he looks to be almost if not six five which fits the reacher profile perfectly i think from what i've seen of the trailers and the tv spots 

that richard will do a good job uh the the one liners and the fight scenes alone are unreal uh there's uh one of the latest tv spots shows richard approaching a woman near her truck and she's being bullied by some local rat bag and the rat bag says to reach out 

what do you want what are you going to do about it and richard just stares him down and then he goes oh no i won't do it again and runs off so even the scene when he's in the prison and he's um bound up with a cable tie and he just snaps a cable tie like it was a piece of string and he goes 

do you guys recycle so i think they've nailed the casting well uh time will tell and season one will be uh based on the first book killing floor it's rumored that every subsequent season that uh potentially gets released will be based on one of the books so uh exciting times ahead and if it does well 

which i think it will there's no reason why amazon if they haven't already would green light a second third or even fourth season only less than a week away so not long to wait and what i'll do is even though it won't be book related i'm either going to look at reviewing each episode or 

i might just hold off a little bit longer and review the whole season after a few people have a chance to watch it so that i can discuss it with spoilers in there but uh yeah it's something that's uh really important to me i'm really looking forward to it as a die hard jack a fan and i expect something pretty special so you will hear about it on the channel as always please 

like and subscribe and if you've got any comments put them down below just getting excited about the tv series makes me want to re-read the whole jack reacher series again so i may do that as if i need more books added to my tbr pile it's just getting crazy with what's coming up next on the channel uh two videos i'll be putting out will be my january wrap-up and i'll also be doing my february book haul and tbr now the tbr i usually would like 

to announce it right at the start of the month but it's going to be a little bit different it's going to be somewhere in the first week of february only because it's my birthday next week i'm not sure what i'm actually going to be unwrapping book wise so i've got a stack of books sitting here already that i can't wait to tell you all about and i just want to wait until after.
