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The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves Pdf Download

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The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves Pdf Download 

Details of The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves Book

  • Book Name: The Rising Tide 
  • Authors: Ann Cleeves
  • Pages: 311
  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Police procedural
  • Publish Date:  1 September 2022
  • Language: English

Book review:

The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves  so in the autumn fiera's tanhu returns to us she's here to give the dead a voice to lay their ghosts yes this will not lessen the grief of the grieving or fill the void left by life on lived 

but but still she needs to know and we need to know to find order to seek an explanation amongst the chaos that surrounds us cleaves feels vera with warmth and energy and empathy rooted in the neglect vera suffered as a child and a need to explain the cruel senselessness the casual 

violence and the callous disregard she encounters in her work as a detective these books are not mere parlor games puzzles to be solved and forgotten they bear witness to the loss the ties that bind us to others the broken relationships the hidden secrets that haunt our lives 

so a world is built a complex depiction of the present and its deep roots in the darkness of the past this beautifully constructed world is then bent to breaking point by a sudden tragedy and we we follow vera and her colleagues particularly holly and joe as they examine the passions hidden deep below 

seemingly still lies the rising tide is set on holy island lindisfarne an island joined to the mainland by a causeway and the ancient pilgrim route across the sands but a true island when the sea drowns the crossing at high tide in half a century how many tides have covered the road in fresh sand 

how many bright moons have sailed across the sky and sunk beneath the waves fifty years ago a small group of students from the local secondary school led by their teacher judith marshall spent a memorable weekend on the island she was barely older than the students she taught 

their stay was a kind of retreat meditation in the small chapel belonging to the religious order that owned pilgrim's house where they stayed spartan accommodation long walks exchanges of confidences and bonding exercises intense conversations long into the evening the bonds forged during their stay on holi island were to brew so strong that the group of students organized 

a reunion they returned to the island every five years the friends who met at the only connect weekend have lived a lifetime since their first visit to the pilgrims house as teenagers they have grown up they have grown apart and they have been drawn together as the years have swept over 

their lives rick became a journalist and later a television star though recent accusations of misconduct have cost him his job annie married daniel but the death of their child drove them apart and he now runs the local delhi while dan is a successful businessman he modernized 

the campsite founded by his father converting the rundown venture into a much sought after resort louisa married ken both were teachers but ken now suffers from dementia catherine hadn't even lasted the first weekend demanding her father come and collect her her father 

uncle were thought to be local criminals she became a model married rick and for a time both lived in london put rick and catherine divorce long ago she returned to the north east and now runs courses in yoga and meditation philip became a vicar with a parish in london and yes rick is writing 

the novel a novel based on their common history about events that happen long ago the meetings on the island were given a greater poignancy by a shared memory the tragedy that unites the friends louisa had a sister isabel she died at the first reunion 45 years ago 

it was a terrible accident at least it seemed to be an accident after an argument with rick she roared off in her car only to be caught by the rising tide on the causeway she was swept away by the freezing water and in the rising of the tide the restless waves reclaim the road to the holy island only the tips of the poles lined in the pilgrim's route acknowledged 

the fragile link to the mainland only the refuge towers reveal where the causeway will appear again when the sea is parted and it is once more safe to travel to the island as the tide turns and the waters recede a figure can be seen far out in the water her golden hair is braided with green weed silver fishes slip between her pale feet her long white dress heavy with
the cold weight of the water it's hem caught by the bright stream of the tide's restless pull and as the tide retreats a smooth layer of golden sand covers the tarmac and the delicate shells and the purple jellyfish litter the causeway oyster catches dash along this new foul land small waves softly lap

the shore and the breeze is fresh with a tongue of salt down to the waves fresh footprints lead and in the slate blue waters a swimmer pull strongly away from the shore in the surging of the sea the world is ever young ever made a new fresh and exhilarating soon too soon the invisible moon draws 

the waters back again that clouds begin to gather the galls keen and gyre in the freshening breeze and soon the swimmer's strength is spent and the age this tide carries him back back to where it began on the cold sands where the waters are covering the course causeway once more for however far we journey 

how bright seems the day the tide is always waiting to drag us back and suddenly the night is about to fall the bells that once called the monster matins ring out from the empty towers of the fallen abbey the white figure walks back towards the rising tide and soon the trolling hair now caught by the swirling current.
