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Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter PDF

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Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter PDF Download

Details of Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter Book

  • Book Name: Girl Forgotten 
  • Authors: Karin Slaughter 
  • Pages: 475
  • Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Suspense
  • Publish Date: 23 June 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review: 

Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter this is a really good intro to the writer she's wrote a lot of different novels and they're really fantastic things to read if you haven't picked one up already

so this is actually going to be the second novel in the series hopefully it is something that karen slaughter carries on and continues for many books to come in this novel 

we see the protagonist andrea oliver often called andy as she tries to make sense of a catholic life and escape her violent past now it's interesting to note that the first book is actually part of a series on netflix so if you're not too sure if you want to actually get involved 

in this series please do check it out on netflix it's a really interesting program and it will get you hooked into everything relating to karen slaughter of the best things about this series is that slaughter has been able to develop some transactional characters so what we mean by 

this these are the kind of characters that change and develop over time now that is actually the best characters you can get because just like real human beings we do change and we do develop as we grow up and that is something that is seen with andy the main character if we think about

the first novel or even the series available on netflix in pieces of her character it's not really the most interesting one she's a little bit kind of frustrating in times because she lacks a bit of direction in her life 

she's quite a gifted artist she did go to art school but never really followed through she works at the call center for the police so at this point she's not actually working in any official branch of the um armed forces or anything like that or for the police but um she still is kind of attached to that 

profile as well she lacks passion and enthusiasm for her job it seems to be something she just fell into not something she's particularly motivated for or something she particularly cares about she relies on a relationship with her mother now she's also in her early 30s 

so a lot of the time we are hoping that she kind of picks herself up rises above and is able to kind of become that fully phone adult that we wanted to become she's also haunted by her past and the mysteries surrounding her real father now 

this is actually a really interesting element because it's something that grows and develops as the story progresses and also 

when we look at the second novel as well so in the second novel for girl forgotten her character has changed quite a bit she goes through quite a bit of trauma quite a bit of difficulty in the first novel and in the second one she actually uses 

this experience to join the us marshall service so she's trying to actually take a bit of control and a bit of direction for her own life she becomes a lot more stronger and a lot more capable

so she does get herself into some quite difficult situations but she's a lot more skilled and adapts at actually dealing with those situations she's still learning because she's quite new to the job of being us marcel 

but she's very determined to succeed she becomes much more independent she also makes the decision to distance herself from her mother and personal and physical relationships with other people and she starts to take control of her past 

the past that comes out relating to her father and the misdeeds that her father committed was something that really caused a lot of trouble in the first novel and it's something that she really actually takes in her stride

a lot in the second one she dictates her future so in the actual novel it says that her mother is always saying that she's approaching every challenge in life as if it was a cliff that she had to fling herself over and instead she learns to jump to actually make 

the decision herself that when something difficult comes along that she's going to be the one that decides how it gets played out so this is a really good thing about the series and something i hope that carries on 

if karen slaughter hopes to actually carry on the series that she starts becoming this much more independent and stronger character that i think she'll become the craft of writing so one of the fantastic things about karen slaughter

if you haven't read any of her novels yet i highly recommend that you do so she maintains a real high level of writing skill and accuracy the level of description that she uses within a lot of her opening chapters 

things like that really helped to capture the audience's imagination and really shows that she is a one of the top potentially one of the best crime or thriller writers of our time now if you want to learn the craft of writing

there are a few better contemporary writers to learn from than karen slaughter she has many different books a lot of them are standalone novels but she also has a series as well which is well worth looking into criticism

now this is something i actually struggle to do when it comes to karen slaughter i feel like she is one of the best if not the best thriller writer around at the time but there are a few things 

i think could have changed or could have been adapted within this novel to make it a bit more enjoyable or a bit more engaging for the audience so the first thing is this is the central character so we're talking about andy 

so in terms of the actual plot of the novel it seems like she had quite a small impact on the overall story she was often there to witness a lot of the events but when it actually came to the the big kind of shocking or scary events she wasn't really controlling it but she seemed to move more like

there for the ride and that might be part of the development of the character that at the moment she's kind of still not fully into this role as a us marshal but a lot of the time it seemed like a lot of things were just happening naturally 

she was there to witness them plot twists now one of the fantastic things that karen slaughter often does is that she has this amazing ability to make you think one thing and then all of a sudden flip on 

his head and really keep you on your toes and keep it engaging for the reader whereas this novel seemed to be um following a lot of the traditional conventions of the genre it was very predictable and it followed 

a lot of the patterns that you'd normally associate if you read this kind of genre regularly however that doesn't actually take away from the enjoyment of the novel i just don't think it's going to be classed as one of the standalone best novels that she ever writes overall verdicts 

so is the book worth reading and would i recommend it well in terms of my actual review i'm going to give this four stars and the reason why i'm going to give it four stars is because of this within the novel slaughters high level descriptive skills really helps keep 

the novel uh engaging and interesting and it's never really an issue to actually carry on reading it doesn't feel like a job or a chore to carry on going with this story the character development keeps the reader invested in the protagonist we are a lot more invested in this actual character 

it's probably because we've seen that development since the kind of person who's a little bit bumbling a little bit naive maybe a little bit immature in the first novel and we've seen her grow a lot stronger and a lot more confident as it progresses is a very strong thriller that stands up well with 

the first novel in the series a lot of the time with a lot of writers what they do is they do one novel which is really good and then the quality starts to dip but slaughter has got to that level of professionalism that she's wrote 

so many novels now that the um skill and the quality of her writing is consistent almost every single time the only criticism we have is that it is a fantastic novel but some of the elements are slightly predictable or typical of the genre

so it's a fun it's an easy read but it probably won't shut out all the boundaries that we have for crime or thriller writing if you're looking for something just to get yourself.

