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Love Creekwood by Becky Albertalli pdf download

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Love Creekwood by Becky Albertalli pdf download

Details of Love Creekwood by Becky Albertalli Book

  • Book Name: Love Creekwood 
  • Authors: Becky Albertalli
  • Pages: 95
  • Genre: Love
  • Publish Date: 30 June 2020
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Love Creekwood by Becky Albertalli this book is cool because it basically shows us what happened after love simon as well as leah on the offbeat so it's cool to see our favorite characters in a new stage of life they've gone off to college i loved that okay now we're gonna be getting to spoiler territory so if you haven't read this novella yet come back 

when you have i have to say i really love this novel i will admit that i haven't read leah on the offbeat but i don't think you need to necessarily have read it to read this book although it does contain spoilers for that book 

so be aware what i really loved about this novel is how it was told in emails and yet we're still able to really get a feel for what college is like for each of our main characters i also just thought that this is such an important topic because there is that sense of loneliness and like adapting to change your first couple months in college especially 

when you're not in college in the same area as your friends i just think that's such an important topic to talk about and i just really appreciated that especially the part about how you feel kind of guilty if you're having fun because you know are your friends having fun or you feel bad 

if you're lonely because it's like you don't want to make other people feel bad that you're lonely and there's just like a lot of layers and it also talks a lot about like unexpected friends that you make in college which is also fantastic 

so subject matter wise amazing i also thought the characters were really true to who the characters are which is also amazing i'm gonna be honest i don't always love novellas and i loved this one like i will probably read it again 

which doesn't that's not usually happening for me the short life of bree tanner i did not like that okay but i did like sarah j maas like little christmas novella so i guess sometimes i like them but i don't usually like them i'd say that's exception not the rule but i would suggest 

this book i thought it was excellent i also just really like the color design i feel like this yellow like really pops and the title love creek wood because it kind of goes with the love simon theme but it is within the creekwood universe 

so just a very fitting title all in all an amazing book i loved it have you read this book do you think i should read leah on the offbeat please leave a comment below 
