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My Big Fake Wedding by Jessica Hatch

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My Big Fake Wedding by Jessica Hatch Pdf Download Free

Details of My Big Fake Wedding by Jessica Hatch Book

  • Book Name: My Big Fake Wedding
  • Authors: Jessica Hatch
  • Pages: 258
  • Genre: Romance Fiction
  • Publish Date: Aug 18, 2022
  • Language: English
Book review:

Jessica's father had a vision for his daughter's wedding. He wanted a wedding so extravagant, Jessica would find it difficult to walk away from the money. However, Jessica's father was a chef and owned his own restaurant. He didn't have much money to invest in his daughter's wedding. Since the wedding was going to be too expensive, Jessica's father pulled out of planning her wedding.

The wedding was so over the top, Jessica's father decided to pull out of the wedding planning. He hired a celebrity chef and had an extravagant wedding ceremony. The ceremony took place at a castle with a fountain in the center. The fountain was surrounded by rose bushes and majestic trees. Guests were seated on plush chairs while waiters served them delicious food. A band played popular songs during the reception and everyone danced happily. The only thing missing from this fantasy world was Jessica; she wasn't happy with her fiancé and wanted a divorce.

Jessica was having second thoughts about marrying her fiancé. Every detail of their extravagant wedding had left her disappointed and discontent. She claimed she wanted a more low-key ceremony with fewer guests and less expensive decorations. Her father was furious at her suggestion because he'd spent hundreds of dollars on the original plan he'd envisioned for his daughter's wedding. He threatened to disown Jessica if she didn't go through with the original plan he'd planned for her. Although she hated it, she had no choice but to marry her father's worst enemy and live in constant discord with him for the rest of her life.

Having second thoughts about your wedding is perfectly normal, according to experts quoted in an article I shared on my blog three years ago. However,Jessica's blogger friend did an excellent job addressing her grievances since she hated spending money on her overblown wedding in the first place. As far as I'm aware, Jessica never wrote another article about weddings, so I don't know if she ever attended another overblown affair or not. Either way, I'm glad that Jessica found peace with her decision to call off her fake wedding and keep her real love for her father.
