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Fuel the Fire by Krista Ritchie pdf download

Details of Fuel the Fire by Krista Ritchie Book

  • Book Name: Fuel the Fire 
  • Authors: Krista Ritchie
  • Pages: 584
  • Genre: Romance novel, New adult fiction, Contemporary romance
  • Publish Date: 3 April 2015
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Fuel the Fire by Krista Ritchie  i'm five pages in and i'm already like dying okay i've underlined so many quotes meeting rose on the freaking elevator are you kidding me he says the first thing he says to her is you're my greatest competition oh so good i love connor 

i'm literally only one chapter and still basically the press has like threatened conor with exposing well not exposing but like releasing an article about the people that he loves like his family saying that like you know they're his nephew or whatever is illegitimate and all this stuff 

so he's feeding um the press like these scandalous pictures of him in rose to keep the press like it was like a deal that they made and at the end of the chapter rose is like when you asked me to do this with you i fell in love with you all over again and then because basically like he you know used to say like he couldn't love people 

now like love it meant nothing to him and now it's guiding like everything it's guiding his choices and stuff and i just think it's so sweet because i freaking love connor okay now i'm on page 90 which is uh i just finished chapter nine and i've tabbed a few things on page 25 

i just have to quote where connor is talking about like rose's smile he says i cling to the rarities in life the unusual fragments that open windows into a person's soul rose's genuine warm smile is a rarity it's not a constant and i wouldn't want it to be it's a powerful blip that punches me hard 

i just thought that was a cute quote and then so i tabbed on page 89 so they like went rock climbing and it was i love that scene a lot a lot of like the series it's just like the banter is just so good because the friend group um that's pretty much why i read it for the banter and the friend group and like just watching their friendships it's just everything but on page 89 

reich is asking connor like if he'll take care of lily and lo and everyone like if he dies in the surgery so he's having kidney surgery to like donate his kidney and um he's afraid that he's gonna die in the surgery which like don't blame them because that's scary but um conor's like 

i'll make you a promise and i keep my promises you die climbing and i'll take care of them we both know that you're not going to die during that surgery and you're not going to die any other way that by your own pursuits reading the series even in the beginning of the series when i found out reich was a rock climber it made me so nervous because i'm like oh 

my god like we need to keep him safe so i'm just saying that now if anything happens to greg i will literally die but anyway okay so then reich says you're such a pain in my ass and conor says impossible i've never been near your ass he flips me off the usual response our friendship may

 be odd but at least i can call it one i just i love them so much oh also the second like stunt or whatever that connor and rose did was dye her hair blonde and it's quite hilarious because when her sisters came into the bathroom while conor was dyeing her hair i think it was daisy started crying or lily circling one of them started crying and they were like there's only one constant in life and it's always rose's hair.
