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Missing Girl At Frozen Falls PDF Download 

Details of Missing Girl At Frozen Falls By Leslie Wolfe Book

  • Book Name: Missing Girl At Frozen Falls
  • Authors: Leslie Wolfe
  • Pages: 341
  • Genre: Thriller, Legal thriller, Suspense, Legal Story
  • Publish Date: November 29, 2022
  • Language: English

Book review:

 Madeline McCann was a seven-year-old girl who went missing from her parents' apartment in the heart of London. Despite an extensive media campaign and an enormous reward, she has not been found. Her case continues to be a source of worldwide fascination. Some people have come to the Valley to investigate the case and perhaps find some answers.

Madeline's disappearance attracted many people to her case. Many came from Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. They wanted to find out if the same circumstances that led to Madeline's disappearance applied to their cases as well.

They also wanted to understand the mindset of a person who would abduct a young child and conceal her body. Investigators used this attention as a way of gaining insight into the case. It allowed them to develop fresh leads and pursue avenues that had previously proved fruitless. 

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