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Never Finished by David Goggins

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Never Finished by David Goggins Pdf Download Free

Details of Never Finished by David Goggins Book

  • Book Name: Never Finished 
  • Authors: David Goggins
  • Pages: 312
  • Genre: Motivation
  • Publish Date:  6 December 2022
  • Language: English

Book review:

David Goggins is a former US Army Ranger who holds the world record for being the toughest man alive. He was featured in the documentary “The Most Dangerous Sport In The World” and has been featured in many publications including Men's Journal, Esquire, and ESPN Magazine. His book Never Finished: A Memoir of Blood, Sweat, and Triumph is now available.

 I have read a lot about David Goggins over the years, but I had never actually read his book until recently. I am glad I did! I really enjoyed reading Never Finished and learned a lot about David Goggin's background and how he became the person we know today.

 In the beginning of the book, David Goggins talks about his childhood and how he grew up in a small town in Alabama where he was bullied throughout school. He mentions that he was always picked last for sports teams and was teased for having a speech impediment. 

He says that he didn't understand what people meant when they said he was stupid, and just thought they were jealous of him. He describes himself as a quiet kid who kept to himself and would often get into trouble at school.

 He goes on to talk about his time in the military and how he joined the army after high school. He explains that he wanted to become a soldier because he felt like he could protect others if he was in the military. He says that he was a good student in the military and even got promoted to sergeant major. However, he soon realized that he wasn't cut out for the military and left after only two months.

 After leaving the military, David Goggins started working odd jobs and eventually moved to California. He worked construction and landscaping before moving back home to Alabama. While working construction, he met his wife and fell in love. After their wedding, he decided to quit his job and focus on becoming a full-time farmer. He says that he knew farming was something he wanted to do since he was young, but he didn't think he could make it happen.

 While working as a farmer, David Goggins began training for the Mr. Universe bodybuilding competition. He says that he trained hard and ate right while preparing for the contest. He won the competition and went on to win several other competitions. He then decided to turn professional and compete in the Mr. Olympia contest. He competed in the event three times and placed second each time.

 David Goggins' story continues to unfold as he tells us about his first fight as a pro fighter. He fought a guy named Mike Jones and lost. He says that he couldn't believe that he lost and wondered if he should give up fighting altogether. He says that he took a break from fighting for a few years and focused on raising his family. When he returned to fighting, he was able to beat some tough opponents and win the WBO heavyweight title.

 One of my favorite parts of the book is when David Goggins talks to us about his relationship with his father. He says that his dad was a great role model for him and taught him to work hard and treat women well. He says that his father was a strong influence on his life and helped him to become the man he is today.

 Overall, I really enjoyed reading Never Finished. I learned a lot about David's upbringing and how he developed into the man we know today. I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the life of David Goggins.

I asked myself one question can you take another step and that answer is always yes this will not be easy to succeed you'll be required to face hard truths and challenge yourself like never before your performance Matters Most when nobody's watching who's gonna carry the boats it might as well be you there are people that are put here to elevate our expectations and redefine what's possible for the rest of us and David Goggins is the best example of that idea that I've ever come across in my life if you can find just enough courage to stay in that tunnel your eyes start to adjust at night that Darkness becomes a light.

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