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Bone Deep By Kendra Elliot

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Bone Deep By Kendra Elliot Pdf Download 

Details of Bone Deep By Kendra Elliot Book 

  • Book Name: Bone Deep 
  • Authors: Kendra Elliot 
  • Pages: 454 
  • Genre: Romance, Suspence 
  • Publish Date: 18 October 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Bone Deep By Kendra Elliot this book was going i thought i had totally called it and then there were a few that got presented and i was like oh okay that's not what i was expecting and this is far more sinister and insidious and creepy and gross than i thought and i loved it i don't think a book has to surprise me for me to enjoy it 

I can i can kind of predict what's gonna happen and still be really into the story but this one i thought i knew and i really liked that i was surprised it's very fresh it's where the i think genre bending elements come into play that i think are pulling from horror and are pulling from science fiction but aside from lynn's point of view the other main point of view is jovis 

I actually liked jovis the most out of all the characters he is this precious man who all he wants to do is find his wife who went missing and i say precious that is probably not the right word to describe him 

But i'm calling him precious anyway because he's somebody who kind of accidentally stumbles into being a hero so he's a smuggler who is trying to get around the law all he wants to do is find this missing wife of his who's been gone for years and he ends up helping people and building this reputation by accident 

I just loved it because he's almost like a reluctant chosen one where he's like no no that's i'm not a hero please don't don't trust me don't sing songs about me and you're like no but do though because 

It's fun and he has an animal companion that is so cute oh my gosh these plot lines obviously sound very different from one another one of them sounds far more fantastical the other is pretty lacking in fantasy elements which i think helped because because the aspects of the magic are so intricate and there's so much to it that 

This book could have easily become very dense and hard to keep track of and the fact that there are other point of views coming into play so i actually liked that it was kind of fantasy light with the other point of views but there were aspects of the magic that you would see in this more open world over here with jovis and the other characters because 

For example jovis would go to a new place and when he first got there they'd be like state your goods and the thing that's telling him to state his goods is a construct and he has to try to figure out how to get around its low level commands and so you see those things throughout and there's a lot to do with kind of a religious thing that's going on in the background 

There's different there's there's kind of a lore that makes the whole thing feel like there's this looming dread where you're like i don't know if our character should succeed because it might end up resulting in bad things later 

I love when there's that thing in the background that you're getting a smaller story in the first book but you're like i bet this is going to expand later what i thought that the author did it was and it was a bold decision 

It was a risky decision but something i thought the author did and utilized well was with this random point of view and the two side characters that i haven't even talked about yet they had those point of views in third person and then jovis and lin in first person that's pretty risky 

I think you already have five different point of views and then two of them are first person and three of them are third person but i thought it was clever because it really distinguished jovis and lin's plotlines as kind of the main driving forces and the other characters it almost solidified that they were they were side characters for now and that there's a more especially that one that's off in the middle of nowhere it's kind of a more mysterious vibe going on 

I am full on admitting that i come across really stupid with the statement i'm about to say i did not even notice at first that some of them were in first person and some of them were in third that's how well i thought the author pulled this off i liked it i i don't know if i normally do 

But i thought it was done really well the two other side characters are two women who come from different backgrounds who are in love one of them is involved with government and then the other one was raised on the streets and the one that was raised on the streets really wants to help the people do what's right make the world a better place.
