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Stay Awake by Megan Goldin pdf download

Details of Stay Awake by Megan Goldin Book

  • Book Name: Stay Awake 
  • Authors: Megan Goldin
  • Pages: 352
  • Genre:  Fiction, Suspense, Psychological thriller
  • Publish Date: 9 August 2022
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Stay Awake by Megan Goldin so she wakes up she has no idea why she is where she is and has to figure out why things in her life are so different than she remembers them being because she doesn't remember the last two years of her life the book starts with her waking up in the back of a cab no no purse no phone she has no idea you know why she's in a cab that would be a freaky situation and then 

the story kind of goes back and forth in time there's some parts from two years ago where you get bits and pieces of what happened before she lost her memory and then 

there's parts that are from when she first was starting to figure out what was going on in new york she moves from london to new york to try to figure out uh what happened two years ago basically so we get some bits from when she first arrives and then we get some bits from like a current timeline 

so and then it kind of goes back and forth between the three timelines and most of the time i mean it says at the top of each chapter when everything is happening which is nice most of the time it was easy to keep track of a few times i was thinking wait that doesn't make sense because they said something completely different a minute ago and then 

i realized that it was because that was in the future in the past and this hadn't happened yet or whatever you know contradicting statements were actually because it's going back in time and because of her memory loss 

she keeps doing things over and over again like the same things and then it was a little bit confusing like what time is this like it's this first time is this the 10th time is this the 20th time i don't know anyway 

but i will say that this is a very fast paced thriller it was a lot of fun to read and i thought it was really fun reading from this character who who is trying to figure out her life on the fly like um kind of an unreliable name narrator because 

she doesn't even know what she's been doing interesting to read the story from her point of view and then it's um made more complicated because she's involved in a murder case like there's police officers detectives trying to find her and bring her in to get information from her about a murder that happened and she's like doesn't know she doesn't even remember anything 

so very very interesting and fun thriller to read if you like that unreliable narrator and switching of timelines if you like that sort of thing then this is a really fun thriller to read and i would recommend it i gave stay awake by megan golden 4 stars and let me know if you want to read this book and i will be back very soon with another book related video thanks bye 
